Thursday 17 August 2017

Forex Logotronic

Koenig Bauer. Druckerei Rindt continua a crescer com o formato médio KBA Muitos dos principais grupos de embalagens investe com menos frequência do que o Druckerei Rindt baseado em Fulda: uma nova impressora Rapida de formato médio foi instalada em cada um dos anos de 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 e 2014. Três dos Essas cinco prensas ainda estão em produção no moderno Rindt printshop hoje: dois modelos de cinco cores e um revestidor de quatro cores com entrega prolongada. Apesar das diferenças de idade, todos eles têm uma coisa em comum - a tecnologia de transmissão direta do cilindro de placa DriveTronic SPC. A última adição ao line-up foi uma Rapida 106 de cinco cores, que foi configurada, entre outras opções, com QualiTronic ColorControl para medições de densidade de tinta inline, rede LogoTronic e um pacote de alta velocidade para produção de até 20,000 folhas por hora . A última Rapida 106 entrou em produção na Druckerei Rindt no final de 2014. Nossa foto mostra o gerente da fábrica, Sebastian Jerabeck, o engenheiro de vendas da KBA, Holger Eitel, o gerente de vendas da KBA, Michael Stuumlrmer, e o operador de imprensa Andreas Kaup (da esquerda para a direita) (1) Rindt Uma impressora comercial ou de empacotamento ou, em vez disso, uma empresa que atende nichos mercados. A verdade está em algum lugar entre. O negócio como de costume é um conceito praticamente desconhecido na Druckerei Rindt. Todo trabalho é diferente e exige processos adaptados individualmente. Para nós, não há tal coisa tecnicamente muito exigente e até mesmo os tempos de entrega imagináveis ​​mais rápidos são realizados, diz o gerente da fábrica, Sebastian Jerabeck. Isso poderia significar trabalhos de embalagem de curta duração, exatamente como produtos de impressão altamente complexos com refinamento e acabamento essencialmente inline, por exemplo, papéis transparentes que são impressos primeiro com branco opaco através de uma unidade de revestimento e, em seguida, quatro cores padrão, antes de serem encaminhadas para Registro-corte verdadeiro e processamento final. A menção também pode ser feita das capas sofisticadas que são impressas em até cinco cores para a empresa-mãe Parzeller, bem como outros produtos convencionais. Ou trabalhos que as impressoras da Internet não podem oferecer, p. Por motivos de formato, porque eles quebram o modelo comercial de produção com formas de pandas. A gama de substratos manipulados é correspondentemente ampla - de papel sanduíche de 50 gm2 até placas de 500 gm2. Jerabeck vê os pontos fortes da empresa no âmbito geral dos serviços oferecidos, desde conselhos e planejamento até a produção real e entrega confiável no tempo. Quando foi decidido construir novas instalações em 2004, os especialistas em impressão da Rindt começaram uma avaliação abrangente das várias tecnologias de imprensa disponíveis no mercado. A decisão caiu em favor da KBA, não menos importante graças ao pacote completo convincente, que Sebastian Jerabeck caracteriza como a mistura de dados de desempenho da imprensa com o componente humano da cooperação de confiança. O último aspecto se reflete em uma filosofia corporativa comparável e orientada para a solução. Ao longo dos últimos dez anos, a relação comercial tornou-se uma verdadeira parceria. A cooperação já abrangeu numerosos campos e os dois lados estão plenamente conscientes das demandas colocadas em equipamentos e tecnologias. Isso torna a vida muito mais fácil para todos os interessados. Para Rindt, os principais parâmetros de desempenho são todos aqueles que tornam a produção ainda mais eficiente e lucrativa. Os destaques atuais incluem o ajuste rápido, graças à troca simultânea de placas, medidas inline para garantir a qualidade e a velocidade de produção máxima praticada com frequência de 20.000 folhas por hora. Por um lado, isso constitui a base para a produção de livros de curto prazo a um nível de eficiência de custo que não faz comparação com a impressão digital, mas, ao mesmo tempo, também permite que os trabalhos de alto volume sejam revirados com um mínimo de atraso. Últimas tecnologias de pré-impressão para pós-impressão Não é apenas na impressão que o Druckerei Rindt implementa as mais recentes soluções de tecnologia. A mesma filosofia é seguida ao longo de toda a cadeia de produção, desde o pré-impressão sem química (Agfa) até o acabamento pós-impressão com a diversidade de máquinas automáticas de corte e dobradura, sementes de sela e, naturalmente, sistemas de acabamento off-line. Um novo selo de selo totalmente automático da Horizon foi encomendado apenas recentemente. Como o Rapidas na loja de impressão, o equipamento pós-impressão recebe os dados predefinidos necessários no formato CIP3JDF. A abertura de novas instalações há 11 anos também foi uma oportunidade para otimizar os fluxos de material e as seqüências de produção. Desde uma nova expansão em 2012, a empresa tem espaço total de 4.500 m2 à sua disposição. Os departamentos de produção ocupam um nível superior, com os escritórios administrativos abaixo. Graças à localização da encosta, no entanto, ambos os níveis podem ser acessados ​​diretamente do exterior. Aprox. 3.500 toneladas de papel e cartão são impressas e processadas a cada ano - com uma tendência crescente. O crescimento anual permanece constantemente alto, o que hoje é algo especial na indústria de impressão, de certa forma turbulenta. O gerenciamento moderno da qualidade minimiza as queixas. Andreas Kaup e seus colegas imprimem uma média de 3 milhões de folhas por mês na nova Rapida 106 - e freqüentemente exploram a velocidade máxima de 20.000 sph ao fazê-lo (5) Atualmente, a Rindt conta com 70 funcionários. O negócio de impressão local fundado por Bernhard Rindt na década de 1930, entretanto, tornou-se um fornecedor nacionalmente reconhecido de produtos de impressão de alta qualidade. É dada particular importância à boa formação profissional e a empresa geralmente oferece emprego regular a todos os formandos bem sucedidos que desejam ficar. O conhecimento profundo do som, afinal, é um pré-requisito para o futuro positivo da indústria da impressão em geral e Druckerei Rindt, em particular. De fato, a combinação de conhecimento especializado e um conceito de gerenciamento de qualidade moderno é especialmente apreciada pelos clientes da empresa. As instalações para o controle de entalhe inline com as três Rapidas aqui desempenham um papel importante. Além disso, os dados atualizados em cada trabalho podem ser chamados pelo sistema de gerenciamento de produção. Desta forma, os clientes podem verificar os dados de produção para seus trabalhos e monitorar a execução compatível com a qualidade. Sebastian Jerabeck está bem consciente do fato de que o mercado de impressão continua sendo uma arena tensa. A questão decisiva, no entanto, é como as empresas enfrentam os desafios. Não há nada a ganhar com a espera e o gemido. Por conseguinte, na Druckerei Rindt, é dada especial atenção às análises do mercado. Jerabeck: as descobertas nos ajudam a planejar melhor para o futuro, embora não seja uma questão simples, e há sempre um certo risco. Afinal, mesmo as novas tecnologias não trazem nenhum benefício geral se outros já estiverem usando. A única maneira de melhorar é avançar e não olhar para trás - esse é o lema para a Rindt. E podemos agradecer a previsibilidade excepcional de nossos acionistas, que continuam a investir mesmo em um momento de encolher mercados, acrescenta Jerabeck. O mercado de impressão certamente experimentará uma maior consolidação e algumas das empresas de impressão de hoje provavelmente desaparecerão do mercado com o tempo. Mas a concentração também irá oferecer a empresas como Rindt oportunidades suficientes para crescer ainda mais no futuro. Notícias de semanas 5 a 9 de fevereiro Estamos muito satisfeitos por poder anunciar novos patrocinadores de sites adicionais para 2007 confirmados nas últimas semanas, incluindo Krause - Distribuidores digitais Biagosch Komori UK, revendedor autorizado da tecnologia EFI Bestcolor e representante da Alwan Color Expertise para a África do Sul e produtos de impressão com Fujifilm. Nossas conquistas em janeiro nas últimas semanas de atualização foram bastante subtis quando examinamos nossas estatísticas finais no mês passado e, se os acessos atuais e as visualizações de páginas, geradas por um número cada vez maior de visitantes e visitantes únicos, continuam em seu ritmo atual, nossas expectativas para 2007 já foram grosseiramente subestimados, seguindo um crescimento de mais de 25% nos últimos dois meses. Sobre o tema dos sites, o novo site das Soluções Thunderbolt foi ao vivo na última terça-feira, e também tem uma nova URL (thunderbolt. co. za), então, anote uma nota. Nós ouvimos a Pat Lacy, vice-presidente da PIFSA na semana passada, que a Câmara Central da PIFSA foi convidada pelos organizadores da PrintExpo 2007 para organizar uma conferência, examinando a mais recente tecnologia de impressão - alguns dos quais estarão em exibição. A PIFSA assegurou o apoio de seis dos maiores expositores, cada um dos quais receberá sessões de apresentação por especialistas em tecnologia principal. Os patrocinadores são: Antalis Graphics Bytes Document SolutionsXerox Heidelberg Sistemas Gráficos África Austral Kemtek Imaging Systems MAN Ferrostaal e Thunderbolt Solutions. O evento acontecerá na quinta-feira, 15 de março, no Black Eagle Conference Room da Nasrec, e cada patrocinador também contribuirá para hospedar o almoço. Os delegados podem se inscrever para a conferência de dia inteiro ou para módulos individuais. Tópicos, horários e custos ainda estão por anunciar, então veja as novidades. Como tem havido muitas notícias locais para comentar nesta semana, não tenho muito espaço para revisar as novidades da semana passada, mas não perca os dois últimos artigos que entraram on-line na quinta-feira - a partir de comunicações gráficas de renome O consultor da indústria, Chris Jordan, e os desconhecidos deficientes da web sem água, uma excelente entrevista com o verdadeiro homem prático em Freiburger Druck, na Alemanha, por Klaus Schmidt. O Relatório InfoTrends na segunda-feira - vale a pena analisar se você está no debate digital contra compensação ou offset digital. Um grande lançamento na terça-feira de Luescher para placa convencional CTP usando os mais recentes díodos laser violeta de alto desempenho de 140 mW. Não perca Agfas Dotrix TransColor, que realmente merece uma cobertura mais detalhada GWGs novas especificações para impressão em tela grande e tela e FESPAs para inscrições - na quarta-feira. O novo Solaris Colorsat me interessou na quinta-feira e não deve ser negligenciado, especialmente se você estiver em produção de offset de banda estreita. As novidades da sexta-feira viram um interessante kit novo do Duplo, devido à sua estréia no Northprint UK em abril, para aqueles que estão em curto prazo, seja digital ou convencional. Gostaria de saber mais sobre isso. Além dessas menções cortadas, há muitas novidades de natureza mais geral e, como de costume, algumas histórias de sucesso impressionantes, incluindo outro bem-vindo VLF para KBA da TJ International. Você também descobrirá que o Manchester United realmente entrou em jato de tinta digital também - embora através de impressoras de grande formato e especialistas em exibição Quarmby. Deve estimular algumas impressoras de jato de tinta de grande formato em pensamentos para novos negócios. O acima é um extracto da nossa atualização semanal de e-News para segunda-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2007. Duplo para estrear novo finalizador na Northprint 2007 Duplo International lançará o seu novo finalizador Squareback para um acabamento de livreto de tipo vinculativo perfeito No NorthPrint 2007, Duplo International será Iniciando o finalizador de acabamento quadrado ASM 500, projetado para produzir um acabamento livro profissional, perfeito e encadernado em folhetos com sela e dobrados, tanto de dispositivos digitais quanto de impressão litho. O Duplo também mostrará uma variedade de produtos modulares para os requisitos de acabamento de impressão offset e digital, tais como dobradura, encadernação e corte. Na exposição, o novo ASM 500 será executado na zona de acabamento digital Duplos, em linha com a solução de brochura Duplas nearline. Uma solução adaptada baseada no cuidador do sistema 5000 da Duplos, o Nearline Bookletmaker incorpora o alimentador de folhas dinâmico DSF-2000 para saída digital pré-colhida, o módulo SCC único da Duplos e o bookletmaker DBM-500. O ASM 500 pode ser conectado a qualquer unidade de marcação e aparelhagem Duplo, ou pode ser usado como unidade autônoma para alimentação manual. A capacidade do ASM 500 para lidar com uma gama mais ampla de estoques de papel e espessuras, de 1 a 6,5 ​​mm, o torna ideal para uma variedade de aplicações, como revistas, brochuras, revistas e catálogos. Além de proporcionar um acabamento elegante e profissional, os folhetos podem ser abertos planos sem danificar a espinha e podem ser facilmente armazenados e empilhados graças à aparência plana. Comentou Peter Jolly, gerente de marketing da Duplos UK, Weve foi abordado por uma grande quantidade de clientes de litografia e digital que queriam obter a aparência e a aparência profissional de um livro encadernado perfeito, com a segurança adicional de costura. Adicionar o novo ASM 500 à nossa gama de acabamento simplesmente fornece impressoras com outra opção econômica e fácil de usar para agregar valor ao acabamento de impressão. Há também a oportunidade de imprimir na espinha de cada capa de livro para que os folhetos possam ser mais facilmente identificados. Na Northprint, o dispositivo será demonstrado com o nosso bookletmaker nearline, destinado a usuários digitais, oferecendo uma solução única para o mercado. Bookletmaking and Collating Em sua tradicional zona de acabamento de impressão, Duplo irá demonstrar sua adição mais avançada à família de livretos Duplos - o System 5000 Bookletmaker. Desenvolvido para atender à padronização UP3i, ele se destina ao mercado de compensação e incorpora torres de interconexão DC-1060, o marcador dinâmico DBM-500 e um cortador de duas facas DBM-2KT para cortar a cabeça e o pé de folhetos, removendo a necessidade de guilhotina Os folhetos, economizando tempo e dinheiro. Projetado para maximizar a produtividade, esta solução totalmente automática funciona a velocidades de até 5.000 folhetos e é extremamente versátil, capaz de alimentar até 300gsm abrange uma variedade de tamanhos de folhas. Para menores volumes de produção, o Duplo apresentará a popular solução de livreto do System 2000, um sistema de nível de entrada projetado para atender a abordagem modular da Duplos, oferecendo ao usuário a capacidade de crescer o sistema à medida que sua operação se expande. SlittingCuttingsCreasing Dentro de sua zona digital na NorthPrint, a Duplos apresentará o seu acabamento de cores de produção DC-645, sua solução de acabamento inteligente de segunda geração, única em combinar as funções de cortar, aparar, dobrar e, mais recentemente, perfurar dentro de uma única passagem. Especificamente projetado para combinar a saída de impressoras digitais de alta produção, o DC-645 é adequado para o acabamento de cartões de visita, cartões postais, cartões de saudação, folhetos de sangramento completo, inlays de CD, capas de bolso e uma série de pastas diretas sob medida. Duplo lançou recentemente um módulo de perfuração para o DC-645 que permite que a perfuração seja realizada ao mesmo tempo que as outras operações de acabamento, permitindo a produção de material impresso extremamente rentável que requer secções de rasgo, como peças de mala direta com formulários de resposta . O DC-645 alimentado a vácuo usa câmeras embutidas para ler automaticamente a imagem impressa e ajustar a configuração para compensar a deriva da imagem e também possui uma interface de usuário opcional baseada em PC e conectividade JDF. Manter-se na vanguarda de soluções de acabamento avançadas que atendam aos requisitos das impressões digitais tradicionais, impressoras digitais ou híbridas e que ajudem a impulsionar e apoiar uma indústria dinâmica, tem sido a chave para o sucesso continuado da Duplos ao longo dos anos, acrescentou Jolly. Nossos especialistas em acabamento de impressão aguardam a demonstração de nossos produtos para os visitantes da NorthPrint e esperamos que eles se afastem com uma compreensão ainda melhor de como fazer o lucro do acabamento e por que é mais importante do que nunca reavaliar as opções de acabamento atual para permanecerem tão competitivos quanto possível . Outros destaques do show Outros destaques no stand Duplos incluem o DB-200 Compact Perfect Binder, que tem a capacidade de produzir até 200 livros por hora e é especificamente destinado a atender aplicativos de impressão de curta duração e sob demanda. Também em exibição será o JUD MR720i o primeiro fichário perfeito verdadeiramente totalmente automatizado para o mercado de encadernação do livro de corridas on-demandhort. As operações de unidade única agora são possíveis graças à configuração intuitiva das máquinas que adapta automaticamente a espessura variável do livro em menos de oito segundos. Capaz de funcionar até 500 livros por hora, tempo de corte variável, moagem e pontuação estão disponíveis para conseguir um livro profissional. Apresentando o stand Duplos, haverá uma gama de guillotinas ideais de alto volume, bem como uma variedade de pastas e creasers da Multigraf. Na NorthPrint, a gama de soluções de acabamento Duplos também será vista em vários stands de parceiros durante todo o show. A gama extensiva de soluções de acabamento Duplos está disponível no sul da África, da divisão Antalis Graphics. Graphic Repro On-line, 9 de fevereiro de 2006. Kodak continua o suporte PrintIT para 2007 A Kodak GCG continua apoiando a iniciativa PrintIT no segundo ano com prêmios em dinheiro e equipamentos O Grupo Kodaks Graphic Communications Group (GCG) continua apoiando a iniciativa PrintIT No segundo ano com prêmios em dinheiro e equipamentos, o último composto por impressoras a jato de tinta de alta qualidade que podem ser usadas pelas escolas vencedoras. Além do apoio da PrintIT Kodaks, a operação GCG UK adotou a próxima escola de Knutsford para formar um relacionamento mais próximo com os jovens locais, como explicou Pat Holloway (foto), gerente de marketing do Reino Unido na Kodaks GCG. Eu não acho que alguém argumentaria que a iniciativa PrintIT é uma excelente idéia e é necessária para ajudar a atrair jovens brilhantes para a indústria no futuro, disse Holloway. No entanto, acredito que os principais jogadores, como a Kodak, podem encontrar maneiras inovadoras de promover a impressão, por isso adotamos recentemente uma escola primária, que está próxima às nossas instalações da Watford. Isso nos permite ter uma relação contínua com jovens e professores que, de outra forma, não podem ter contato com a indústria gráfica. Nós já tínhamos grupos na suíte de demonstração da Kodak, onde produzimos trabalhos de cursos escolares em uma impressora a cores de produção digital Kodak NexPress. Isso provou ser uma excelente maneira de mostrar os diferentes processos envolvidos na criação de material impresso e também ajuda a escola. A indústria como um todo requer um pacote de blocos de construção que educa os jovens sobre a impressão e os faz pensar sobre a impressão como uma carreira potencial. Em seguida, precisa ter a variedade correta e o nível de treinamento para as pessoas que entram. Martyn Elmy é presidente da PrintIT A Kodak deve ser aplaudida por tomar a iniciativa de trabalhar em estreita colaboração com uma escola local e transmitir a mensagem impressa para uma audiência mais ampla, disse Elmy. Também estamos gratos à Kodak pelo seu contínuo e generoso apoio. A ajuda de fabricantes e fornecedores de chaves é essencial se a PrintIT conseguir alcançar seus objetivos de aumentar o perfil da indústria de impressão em todas as escolas do Reino Unido. Graphic Repro On-line, 9 de fevereiro de 2007. O software gradual da Publishing Expo Gradual Software apresenta uma gama completa de soluções de automação na Publishing Expo em Londres, 14 15 de fevereiro Gradual Software, Gradual Software, especialista em soluções de automação de publicação, terá uma forte presença em Expo Publishing, a ser realizada 14 de 15 de fevereiro de 2007 em Londres. A empresa irá demonstrar sua linha de produtos completa nos stands de seus parceiros Pro2Col e Silicon Systems. Graduals Switch família de produtos, que também inclui LightSwitch e FullSwitch, permite aos usuários implementar soluções de automação de fluxo de trabalho adaptadas para atender às necessidades de produção de ambientes de trabalho individuais. O PowerSwitch fornece recursos de automação avançados, como suporte para scripts e metadados, juntamente com o Switchclient, um cliente de grupo de trabalho que facilita a implantação de automação para um grupo de trabalho completo. O software Graduals Switch, distribuído no Reino Unido pela Positive Focus, foi instalado em várias empresas do Reino Unido e está produzindo retornos fortes na produtividade, eficiência e economia de custos em uma variedade de ambientes de produção. O Pro2col é especialista em soluções de transferência de arquivos para a indústria editorial, permitindo que os anunciantes ofereçam obras de arte em vários formatos, diretamente para a editora. James Lewis voltou-se para o Gradual Software para obter uma solução para oferecer recursos de integração aprimorados no ambiente de produção do Pro2cols. Nós escolhemos trabalhar com Gradual com base no preço, funcionalidade e flexibilidade de suas soluções - e são pessoas genuinamente agradáveis ​​para trabalhar, afirmou Lewis. A instalação dos produtos de fluxo de trabalho Gradual Switch com nossos sistemas de transferência de arquivos permite que os clientes se beneficiem de uma automação aumentada, com integração total entre entrega e produção de arquivos. A automação resultou em maior eficiência e economia de custos significativa. Com a indústria que se deslocou para fluxos de trabalho baseados em XML, a PowerSwitch fornece aos editores uma automação fantástica a preços realistas. A Silicon Systems adicionou o software Switch automação ao seu portfólio e seus clientes Switch estão se beneficiando de economias de tempo e um sólido retorno sobre o investimento. Neil Dobson, diretor-gerente da Silicon Systems, explicou: a suite The Switch permitiu que nossos clientes conseguissem economias substanciais de tempo e dinheiro - eles viram o retorno do investimento em apenas alguns meses. Quando combinado com Flowmation, nosso software de fluxo de trabalho do projeto, o Switch Suite oferece uma solução perfeita da web para o resultado final. Para obter mais informações, visite: Reproduções Gráficas graduais on-line, 9 de fevereiro de 2007. A GMG recebe a certificação Fogra 39L A GMG recebeu certificação para o novo padrão Fogra 39L (ISO Revestido V2) para o sistema de prova de corProPro. A GMG recebeu certificação para o novo Fogra Padrão 39L (ISO Coated V2) para o seu sistema de prova de corProPro em conjunto com o papel impermeável GMG ProofPaper semimatte 250 e as impressoras da série Epson x800, bem como as impressoras Epson Stylus 400076009600. O padrão Fogra 39L é o sucessor do padrão Fogra 27L, que foi estabelecido há anos e caracteriza as condições de impressão para o padrão de compensação. A experiência extensiva da prática de impressão offset do dia a dia foi levada em consideração no novo e otimizado padrão 39L. As principais associações, como Fogra, ECI e BVDM, recomendaram o uso deste novo padrão desde o início deste ano. A partir de agora, os novos perfis de prova estão disponíveis gratuitamente para todos os usuários registrados na área de Suporte do site do GMG. Da mesma forma, os padrões correspondentes para GMG ProofControl também podem ser baixados lá. Além da nova certificação padrão Fogra 39L, mais e mais novos sistemas de prova foram certificados pela Fogra nas últimas semanas e meses, e perfis correspondentes disponibilizados aos usuários. Deve ser feita referência específica ao sistema de prova de meio-efeito GMG DotProof com o novo HP Designjet Z2100 e os dois documentos de prova GMG GMG ProofPaper semimatte 250 e GMG ProofPaper gloss 260, que entretanto recebeu também a certificação Fogra. A GMG continuará a se concentrar na padronização no futuro. No primeiro trimestre de 2007, novos perfis de prova dos novos dados de caracterização Fogra 39L (ISO Revestido V2) e FOGRA 40L (ISO SC) já podem ser esperados para as famílias de impressoras Epson e a nova série HP Designjet Z em combinação com o GMG Meios de prova. Esses perfis, também, estarão disponíveis para usuários registrados gratuitamente na área de Suporte do site do GMG. Então, vale a pena visitar o site regularmente Para permitir que os usuários integrem os novos padrões de impressão sem problemas, a GMG fornecerá os perfis de conversão GMG ColorServer CMYK correspondentes, por exemplo, ISO Coated (27L) para ISO Coated V2 (39L), livre de carga No decurso do primeiro trimestre. Para mais informações, visite: gmgcolor Graphic Repro on-line, 9 de fevereiro de 2007. Compose System no Graphispag 2007 Compose System para demonstrar o Express Workflow 3.0 pela primeira vez na Espanha durante o Graphispag 2007 Compose System, um desenvolvedor estabelecido de soluções de fluxo de trabalho de pré-impressão e a prova de cor , Demonstrará o Express Workflow 3.0 pela primeira vez na Espanha durante o Graphispag 2007, realizado em Barcelona de 19 a 25 de fevereiro de 2007. Compose terá uma forte presença no show com seus distribuidores espanhóis e terá demonstrações ao vivo do Express Workflow 3.0 e Star Proof V5 nas seguintes cabines parceiras: MDI, ASG MGV Color. O Express WorkFlow 3.0 oferece uma solução excepcional para lidar com todas as operações de pré-impressão para CTP e aplicações de impressão digital, enquanto o Star Proof V5, a inovadora solução à prova de pontos para impressoras a jato de tinta, entrega comprovantes de qualidade até 200lpi. O Express WorkFlow oferece a máxima produtividade O Compose Systems Express WorkFlow fornece confiabilidade e eficiência para atender às demandas sempre em mudança da indústria de pré-impressão de hoje. No seu coração é o RIP Compose Express - uma versão rápida e flexível do Harlequin RIP que oferece altos níveis de desempenho e produtividade. Um sistema profissional de fluxo de trabalho de pré-impressão, o Express WorkFlow combina funcionalidade prática com facilidade de uso, garantindo uma integração apertada e entrega de dados suave entre todos os processos no fluxo de trabalho de pré-impressão dos clientes. O Express WorkFlow otimiza e automatiza o processo de produção e garante a integridade dos dados, seja o processamento de PDF ou o fluxo de trabalho PostScript puro. Nossos distribuidores espanhóis relatam que seus clientes expressaram um grande interesse pela última versão do Express WorkFlow 3.0. A Espanha é um mercado importante para compor com uma base de usuários instalada significativa, por isso estamos realmente ansiosos para nos encontrar com os clientes e demonstrar essas soluções de novos recursos poderosos, disse Steve Donegan, gerente de marketing de vendas da European em Compose. A versão mais recente do Express WorkFlow abordou os requisitos de produtividade dos usuários com o aumento das velocidades de RIP, recursos de imposição aprimorados, envio de trabalhos com base em Java, monitoramento de trabalho e rastreamento de tarefas. Disponível para clientes Mac e PC, novos recursos adicionais incluem criação de modelos e sistema de log de trabalho dinâmico, juntamente com um banco de dados detalhado de relatórios de histórico. Star Proof - prova de ponto forte e nítida de impressoras a jato de tinta Star Proof é a verdadeira solução de prova de pontos para a produção de provas de até 200lpi em impressoras a jato de tinta - de forma rápida e econômica. Com o seu sistema de Pontos atuais para replicar rastreios originais e padrões de pontos em resoluções de prova, o Star Proof oferece provas de qualidade superior com um ponto duro, imagens nítidas, cores precisas e detalhes finos, assim como eles aparecerão na imprensa. E com a arquitetura ROOM proofing para assemelhar-se ao mesmo conjunto de separações de alta resolução que são enviadas para o formador de imagens de placas, o Star Proof garante a integridade dos dados entre prova e impressão. Novos recursos no Star Proof Versão 5 incluem: Uma nova geração de gerenciamento de cores ICS que suporta perfil ICC Ferramentas poderosas para o mercado de Flexo e embalagem que permitem o ajuste de separações individuais, Dot Loss e Extreme Dot Gain value. Recursos de ajuste de cores flexíveis Color Shade que suporta o valor de LAB para cores pontuais CS Reader versão 2.0 suporte para medição de Densidade e LAB Suporte de entrada de dispositivo de espectrofotômetro automatizado O Star Proof V5 também recebeu a certificação Fogra oficial para impressão de meio-tom com a Epson Stylus Pro 9800. Fogra Graphic Technology Research A Associação, uma organização de impressão europeia respeitada, baseou sua certificação da Star Proof em critérios de teste exigentes, garantindo que o produto atenda aos padrões rigorosos da indústria para a prova de cor precisa definida no ISO 12647-7. Fundada em 1987, o Compose System, um dos principais fabricantes de Harlequin, é um desenvolvedor estabelecido do fluxo de trabalho de pré-impressão e soluções digitais à prova de cor. Compose tem escritórios em Hong Kong, China, América do Norte e Reino Unido. Suas soluções estão centradas nos sistemas profissionais Express WorkFlow. Compose uma gama abrangente de produtos de alto desempenho e versáteis, incluindo NewsFlow, PDF-Imposition e Star Proof. Esses produtos são vendidos e suportados por meio de uma rede de concessionários abrangendo cinco continentes. Mais informações estão disponíveis em: wwwpose. co. uk Graphic Repro On-line, 9 de fevereiro de 2007. GBC no Graphispag 2007 GBC para demonstrar sistemas de laminação térmica e filmes para o acabamento de impressão digital, comercial e de formato amplo. O GBC Commercial Laminating Solutions Group irá mostrar Novos filmes e suas últimas soluções de laminação térmica para finalização comercial, de alta velocidade, sob demanda e de grande formato no Graphispag 2007, que se realizará em Barcelona de 19 a 25 de fevereiro de 2007. Os visitantes do stand GBCs poderão visualizar demonstrações de Os mais recentes equipamentos e consumíveis da empresa para uma variedade de processos e aplicações de impressão. GBC estreará seu filme GBC Supreme OPP durante Graphispag. Este novo filme tem propriedades de adesão superiores que garantem uma ligação excepcionalmente forte e uma redução de sinalização. O filme GBC Supreme está disponível em um brilho ou mate, a estética aprimorada do filme inclui planéatividade otimizada e qualidades de enrolamento. Este filme foi formulado especificamente para atender aos requisitos do mercado comercial de alta velocidade (comerciantes, impressoras) e do mercado On-Demand (impressoras, impressoras digitais com baixo conteúdo de toner). O filme GBC Digital Lay-Flat também estará em exibição no Graphispag, oferecendo capacidades de laminação únicas e acabamentos luxuosos que são uma combinação perfeita para laminação sob demanda digital. O filme proporciona uma adesão superior e uma saída plana ao estratificar impressões eletrofotográficas. As impressões podem ser laminadas com o Digital Lay-Flat (r) imediatamente após a impressão, tornando-a a solução ideal para impressoras de alto volume que exigem tempos de resposta rápidos para atender às demandas dos clientes. Este novo adesivo também elimina a prática de fazer impressões adicionais para absorver o excesso acumulado de óleo de fusão. O filme GBC Digital Lay-Flat incorpora nova tecnologia adesiva desenvolvida após anos de testes pela GBC. O produto resultante fornece mais de 10% de força de ligação maior do que o concorrente mais próximo quando testado em todas as medidas. O filme foi testado em impressões frescas, incluindo CMYK preto, e em várias velocidades e temperaturas de laminação em laminadores de nível de entrada e alta velocidade. O filme GBC Lay-Flat com adesivo digital está disponível em brilho e mate. A GBC apresentará o filme de linho 8450 OPP, notável por seu acabamento distinto, de alta qualidade e pré-estampado que proporciona maior durabilidade e proteção para capas de livros, pastas de apresentação ou embalagens. Novo filme PET PET 7100. O novo filme PET 7100 Metalised representa outra inovação técnica para o GBC, estreando como o primeiro filme térmico de poliéster imprimível metálico disponível na Europa. Este revolucionário filme de 30 microns foi projetado para processamento em laminadores térmicos. Os aplicativos de destino são embalagens de luxo, revistas e folhetos que requerem acabamentos sofisticados e high-end. New lamination systems for the commercial printing finishing segment A new addition to the GBC line of Delta lamination system will be introduced at Graphispag, the GBC Delta 7052 (pictured above) - this compact and fully integrated machine operates at an extended speed of up to 30 mmin and covers a maximum working width of 520 x 740mm. The GBC Delta 7052 addresses the need for improved efficiency on production line and is designed to be fast, user friendly and cost effective, with the ability to change stock, size and film quickly. The sheet-counter is a valuable new feature that enables the user to pre-set the machine to stop after laminating a pre-set number of sheets, thus saving waste and increasing productivity. Another new feature is an integrated slitting device that eliminates the need to change film rolls for every job and slits the roll according to the correct length. The GBC Delta 7052 laminating system is very well suited for cost-effective handling of smaller (digital) jobs with quick turn-around times. The concept of the Delta range is based on the capability to change stock size and film quickly. These systems are suitable for short runs and offer high quality performance. The GBC Voyager 8076 will also be on display, a high-speed laminating system operating with a speed of 50 mmin and a maximum working width of 760 x 1020mm. This universal, one-sided laminator is complete with an integrated feeder and separator and is designed to easily run a variety of high-speed commercial thermal films. The GBC Voyager is the right choice for laminating medium and high volumes of printed materials. New introductions for the wide-format finishing market segment GBC is expanding its presence in the Spanish wide-format finishing market segment by increasing its sales efforts and introducing new products and solutions. During Graphispag GBC will exhibit its wide-format range, targeted at the signage, photographic, copy shop and screen print market. Two solutions will be highlighted, the semi-professional thermal GBC 2064WF laminating system and the professional thermal GBC 3046WF lamination system, designed to laminate and mount graphics up to 1,6 metres wide at maximum speeds up to 5,5 mminute. Both systems offer bi-directional operation with the capability to run thermal and cold finishing jobs consecutively for maximum productivity. With a mechanical roller adjustment, heat rollers are infinitely variable to 25mm offering. The laminators offer superior lamination with virtually wave-free output, thanks to the large chill idler roller. Versatility is achieved by multiple unwinds and rewinds featuring swing-out shafts fro easy loading and unloading. All GBC lamination systems come equipped with an Advanced Electrical Safety System protecting fingers from harm while feeding the laminator, making these laminating systems the safest solutions on the market. The GBC WF range is extremely modular, starting with the entry level GBC 1046ft cold laminator offering a top heated roll up to 50C, with the GBC 3064WF as the top-end offering. GBCs modular product range offers a perfect solution to a customers immediate needs while ensuring a reliable growth path as lamination volumes increase. These wide format lamination machines are efficient, highly compatible systems to work alongside wide format inkjet printers, affording greater control, time savings and reduced costs. Targeted applications include Trade Show Graphics, POP displays, Backlit Displays, as well as Floor Graphics and Posters Banners. On the consumables side, GBC will show new applications for display solutions with the Octiva LM Textured Satin 75mic in a sandwich combination, the Octiva Lo-Melt Light Barrier 85mic for roll-ups, and the Arctic Light Crystal 125mic in combination with the Arctic Light Barrier 250mic. For cold lamination applications, GBC will present its Arctic solvent glossmattcrystal range for in and outdoor applications (up to six months durability), along with the Arctic HV glosssatin-mat films. These films offer cold lamination capability with UV production for in and outdoor use (average durability two months). During Graphispag 2007 GBC will provide demonstrations and technical briefings about its complete range of lamination consumables, developed to address every need and every volume. Information will also be available about the companys extensive application training and after sales service. GBC Commercial Laminating Solutions Group is represented by Beswick Machinery in Southern Africa. Its digital printing and wide-format inkjet laminating solutions are also available from Antalis Graphics. Graphic Repro On-line, 9 February 2007. Esko gains another Kongsberg i-XL user in Australia Emergent Designs in Sydney, now finishes its graphics with an Esko Kongsberg i-XL24 cutting and creasing table Rosebery based Emergent Designs in Sydney, has installed a Kongsberg i-XL24 finishing table, a member of Eskos leading family of cutting and creasing tables used in packaging and for short run production of POP displays and signs. Emergent Designs has been established as a graphics finishing company since 1987. It employs 20 people and provides finishing services such as laminating, mounting and framing and products such as light boxes, large-format prints, custom-built and portable displays. Its customers range from large-format printers, designers and advertising agencies, to display makers and exhibition companies. Emergent Designs clientele require maximum flexibility with the fastest time-to-customer as possible. To cater for this myriad of requirements, Emergent Designs started looking for a digital finishing system to complete their graphics. We use a lot of foam and cards and were looking for a machine that could cut that. At the same time we looked for a router to cut the tougher materials such as acrylics and timber. We also needed a machine that registers to printed material and is able to handle high capacity production. The Kongsberg i-XL table achieves all that in one product, said Edward Lim, managing director of Emergent Designs. The first job the Kongsberg i-XL24 did after its installation was to cut a bulk of printed foam boards and PVC and we immediately observed an improved production speed of 30 per cent. We are impressed with the robustness and speed of the i-XL24 and we love the MultiCUT. The Kongsberg i-XL24 fulfils all our production requirements. Considering its carton pedigree, the build quality is excellent. We believe that the i-XL24 will be in the centre of our production for many years to come, concluded Lim. We are delighted to have installed the second Kongsberg i-XL unit in Australia at Emergent Design, says Peter Henderson, Eskos general manager for Oceania. There has been a dramatic growth in the creative use of display graphics in Australia. The Kongsberg i-XL series is ideal for any digital printer who is looking for a profitable finishing solution with maximum flexibility. Eskos Kongsberg i-XL is available in three different sizes from 1680 x 1270mm to as large as 2210 x 3050mm. A broad selection of tool heads and inserts cater for the most diverse and demanding applications. The MultiCUT has two conventional tool stations configurable with all the standard i-XL tool inserts and a high-power milling spindle capable of handling a wide range of rigid materials such as Dibond, Alubond, Forex, Corex, PVC, acrylic, magnets, polycarbonate, MDF, PE, PP, wood, plywood, high pressure laminates and many more. Graphic Repro On-line, 9 February 2007. Claremon switches to Fuji for violet CTP B2 commercial printer based in Bradford, UK, has installed a Fuji Luxel V-6 B2 violet CTP platesetter Fujifilm Graphic Systems has announced that Claremon, a B2 commercial printer based in Bradford, has installed a Luxel V-6 B2 violet CTP platesetter (pictured right). The Fuji platesetter has been chosen for its high quality output, low running costs and low chemistry usage. John Conroy, Claremons general manager, said, We have an emphasis on quality and have developed a strong environmental policy. We were looking for a solution matched our standards and the Fuji Luxel V-6 was the best answer to meet our needs. By installing a Fuji violet CTP platesetter, we are able to take advantage of the existing Fuji Brillia LP-NV violet plates and the environmental benefits they offer. Importantly we will also be able to use the Brillia HD PRO-V violet chemistry-free plates that are due for release later this year. Claremons parent company primarily services the textile industry, manufacturing and supplying woven labels to clothing manufacturers and store groups worldwide. Claremon sells commercial print to local authorities and design agencies with the same keen eye on quality and service as the clothing brands require. The company previously used another plate supplier but switched to Fuji Brillia LP-NV violet CTP plates when the platesetter was installed. Conroy added, Since using the Fuji plates we have been particularly impressed with the consistency of the image on the plate. Claremon is also using Fuji Open Workflow as part of its solution and is benefiting from the ROOM Rip Once Output Many feature. Because we are using the Digital Master in the workflow for proofing and platesetting, we are more confident than ever that the final printed material will match the proof. We really like this feature and so do our customers, Conroy concluded. Claremon was established 5 years ago and has 13 employees. Graphic Repro On-line, 9 February 2007. Back to very-large-format - the TJI success story Cornish book printer, TJ International in Padstow, plots a new path with twin VLF Rapida 142s from KBA Success stories are not that frequent in todays hard-pressed UK print industry but TJ International at Padstow in Cornwall has to be one of them. A 145 employee, 10 million turnover company, running 24 hours six days a week and producing over 6 million books a year has forged that success with investment. 16.5 million has been injected into the business over the past ten years and now the company is spending another 3.5 million on a pressroom seachange. The pressroom focus is on two new large format KBA Rapida 142 two-colour presses, each complete with automatic plate changing, a lightweight paper package and Logotronic Professional interface. TJ International moved from Size 6 Crabtree Sovereigns to more efficient B1 presses and now the KBA investment signals a return to very-large-format. The twin KBAs will gradually replace Heidelberg Speedmasters as the mainstream production units. The two new presses will give us, with additional CTP and folders, 50 per cent more capacity from the end of this year, explained TJ International chief executive Angus Clark. The VLF approach, increasingly being adopted by leading book manufacturers across the world, is all part of the TJ International strategy to meet the demands of leading publishers and to compete with the increasing challenge from India, Singapore, Malaysia and China. We are a short-run book producer, said Clark, and our success is all about service. Fast turnaround books are what we know, what we do well and plan to do even better The choice of large format press was a decision between MAN Roland with the TJI team travelling to Germany and to the United States to see various presses in action. KBA was the final selection says TJI for its technology, its sheet size, its environmental benefits and the support it offers. A comprehensive training programme for TJI printers is planned pre-delivery and in stages throughout the rest of the year. KBA UK executive sales director, Mark Nixon said, This investment by TJI will radically change the cost base of producing books, helping them to compete with the near and Far East. Halving makereadies and doubling sheets on the floor is compelling enough but add the fact that it is accurate and of excellent quality, that has to be of interest. Another step forward for the UK book producing market. The company investment programme has not neglected either its prepress or post press departments. New Agfa Avalon platemaking systems, MBO folders, a Wohlenberg soft cover line and a Muller Martini hard case line complete an impressive stable. Ninety five per cent of TJI books are single colour, 5 per cent two-colour whilst 70 per cent are soft bound and 30 per cent are cased. Chief executive Angus Clark returned to TJI in 1995 with a brief to transform the business. With close colleague commmercial director Andy Vosper (pictured together above), he set about the task with relish. He explained, We established drivers for the business based on training and development, quality, safety, environment and business performance. The resultant success can be judged by the many industry awards won in recent years for top performance, business success, quality, environmental concern and training and education. Two years ago Clark and Vosper successfully bought the company from the Ulverscroft Group. Impressive as the TJI main factory is, with its clever design for efficient workflow and services, there is another important part of the organisation operating in the original company building now - a refurbished high-tech TJI Digital unit, which was launched in 1999. The digital arm claims the same quality and attention to detail but on tiny quantities of 9 to 300 copies compared with the parent company litho average of 1200 copy runs. TJI Digital operates Oce Variostream 9210 and 6250 presses coupled to a Wohlenberg mini binder, thus offering both web and sheet solutions to digital customers. In planning their strategy for the years ahead Clark and Vosper are looking at the possibilities of a third KBA or, perhaps, as the trend towards more titles being produced digitally increases, more investment will be demanded in that area. Either way TJI International aims to be a force to be reckoned with in book manufacturing. Graphic Repro On-line, 8 February 2007. BCQ invests in JDF-compliant high-speed finishing Merger team decide to oust old kit in favour of high-speed Stitchmaster ST 350 saddle-stitcher from Heidelberg BCQ, the company formed from the merger of Buckingham Colour and Colour Quest, has made its first joint investment, buying in a Stitchmaster ST350 saddle-stitcher from Heidelberg to replace two Muller Martini lines. We are trading in two machines for one faster machine which will be JDF-compliant and as such future-proof, said Tyrone Spence, joint managing director of the new enterprise alongside Richard Knowles (pictured above). We have all moved across to the Buckingham plant now which is a modern and impressive building so we needed equipment with the livery to match. The grey looks better than green Both merging companies are loyal, long-term Heidelberg customers but both demand technology excellence and it is the commercial capability of a product on which buying decisions survive or fall. Finishing has to be first rate to match the quality of print we are putting out from the Speedmasters, said Spence. Buckingham Colour has focused on end user business and Colour Quest attributed 85 per cent of its sales to print management companies. That means BCQ now has a very comprehensive and demanding set of end users who want a fast, quality service at competitive prices. That means we need front to back efficiency and the ST 350 is part of that. The ST 350 is a 12,000 cycleshour line which can handle untrimmed sheets of 85 x 128mm up to 320 x 480mm format and up to 12mm calliper stocks. It can have six normal or four wire loop stitching heads. BCQ will take six stations plus a cover feeder. The system is controlled by touchscreen and it features easy accessible parts and a quality control and ejection system to ensure every signature is correct and waste is minimised. Graphic Repro On-line, 8 February 2007. Sioux City, Iowa, now has NexPress 2500 Anderson Brothers enters digital print space with Kodak NexPress 2500 digital production colour press Eager to grow its business through digital print and Web-to-print capabilities, Anderson Brothers, a commercial printer in Sioux City, Iowa, has installed a Kodak NexPress 2500 digital production colour press and NexGlosser glossing unit. Tony Anderson, president, Anderson Brothers, cited reliability, print quality, and Kodak support as reasons for selecting the Kodak NexPress digital print solution. Our customers are very interested in the benefits of digital print, namely short run colour and customisation of messages, said Anderson. We are constantly looking to take our business to the next level. The NexPress 2500, combined with the NexGlosser, gives us instant credibility in the digital print space and will help us increase work from existing offset printing customers, as well as bring in new business. The NexPress 2500 press meets a variety of needs from entry level to very high volume environments. Customers are able to upgrade presses as they grow their businesses with options to select desired paper capacity, increase processing capability, and add a fifth imaging unit for delivery of spot colour, watermarking, and protective coating with the GATF InterTech Award winning NexPress fifth imaging unit. The fifth imaging unit also enables high impact glossing in conjunction with the NexGlosser glossing unit. Adding a NexGlosser glossing unit to its NexPress 2500 allows Anderson Brothers to offer customers cost effective, high impact glossing to photobooks, calendars, postcards, point of purchase displays and even offset printed materials. The NexGlosser glossing unit features Kodak NexPress clear dry ink that delivers enhanced image quality and a laminate-like gloss for higher marketing impact. Anderson Brothers serves several markets including financial, education, retail and manufacturing. Graphic Repro On-line, 8 February 2007. Manchester United sports Vutek graphics Quarmby kits out Manchester United with help of second superwide-format Vutek inkjet printer from EFI Leeds-based, digital printing specialist Quarmby Colour Studio Limited has expanded its superwide format printing capability, with the addition of a Vutek QS2000 UV-curing, superwide format inkjet printer from EFI. The QS2000 joins Quarmbys existing Vutek PV200, which has proved to be a huge success with the family-run business since its installation in July 2005. More recently, Quarmby used its two Vutek printers to produce work for football giants, Manchester United, following construction of two new wings at the clubs Old Trafford ground. The extension comprised nine new hospitality suites, each of which were decked out with between 50 - 100 sqmetres of stunning large-format graphics produced by Quarmby. In total, the project involved the production of approximately 600 sqmetres of vibrant printed output and included various wall-mounted Foamex panels, as well as a number of vinyl prints that were fixed to cladding around bar areas. The suites also included scale cut-outs of key players (two examples of which are pictured above), produced by printing to dye-bond substrate before cutting to shape. According to Quarmbys managing mirector, Damian Quarmby, the addition of the QS2000 was a logical development in the companys growth strategy and was selected because of its high definition printing (HDP) capability and in particular its superior production speeds of up to 70 sqmetres per hour. The PV200 set the standard in terms of quality when installed almost two years ago and during that time opened up many doors for us, explained Quarmby. We were looking to strengthen our printing capability and the great success we have experienced with this printer led us back to Vutek and the QS2000. For me, it is the best direct-to-substrate solution available and equips us with a winning combination of price, speed and quality. So pleased was Quarmby with his initial Vutek purchase and the relationship formed with the company, that he made the decision to install the QS2000 without even viewing it. As soon as I saw the specification for the QS2000 and the print sample that was sent to me, my mind was made up, he said. The first time I viewed the QS2000 actually running was the day it was delivered - we were so impressed with the quality of output and amazing speed that we set it to work immediately. The QS2000s versatility and ease-of-use allows it to cope with the demanding requirements inherent in the modern digital inkjet printing environment. We are constantly switching media as each print job changes and the all-round capability and easy-handling of the QS2000 allows us to change from one job to another in a matter of seconds, so downtime is minimal. The arrival of Quarmbys QS2000 coincided with the companys requirement to produce around 200 banners used in a recent, nationwide Army recruitment campaign. The 3m x 1m banners comprised ten different designs and were produced on 450 micron-grade banner material. The QS2000 cut its teeth with the Army job and impressed us with its ability to print at 70 sqmetres per hour, he continued. Quarmby also operates eight thermal inkjet printers, but due to the reduced ink and finishing costs associated with the Vutek printers, along with the higher speeds they offer, almost all production has now been moved to the Vuteks. The QS2000 also strengthens Quarmbys ability to execute high speed production of roll-up banners for indoor and outdoor displays. The QS2000 prints onto virtually anything and allows us to produce large quantities of retractable, waterproof and scratchproof banner stand graphics. Importantly, we experience zero colour shift, so in a run of 200, the first banner will look exactly like the last. This is not possible with our other printers - achieving colour consistency entails production delays, explained Quarmby. Quarmby is about to upgrade its PV200 to a second QS2000, further strengthening its all-round service offering to customers. The company is also considering EFI Logic, EFIs print management solution which focuses on seamlessly integrating all aspects of the production process. Graphic Repro On-line, 8 February 2007. Rmer first with new Solaris Colorsat ink dispenser German label converter Rmer Etikett is the first customer to install the new Solaris Colorsat system German label converter Rmer Etikett is the first customer to install the Solaris Colorsat, a new ink-dispensing system developed in a partnership between Sun Chemical Europe and GSE Dispensing. The company has improved its ink room productivity by 30 per cent since installing the system three months ago. Specialist label printer Rmer Etikett, based at Marburg, near Frankfurt, is winning new business from brand owners after investing in state-of-the-art technology that is designed to meet specific requirements of narrow-web converters. Colour consistency, productivity and quality have all improved. Rmer Etiketts customer base includes many of the best-known German and international companies covering the food and drink, hygiene and cosmetics and technology sectors. Alexander Rmer, managing director of family-owned Rmer Etikett, said, Take Nestl for example. Five years ago, a single order of a million labels would involve just one print run after set up. Today we get the same order but the requirements involve 200,000 labels in orange, the same number in, say, red or blue and then perhaps a mixture. We blend up to 70 different colours per month on average - accurately producing a large variety of special colours in small amounts is absolutely vital. Brand owners want the same consistency today as they did six months ago and this ink-dispensing system enables that to happen. We have had a 30 per cent improvement in ink room set-up costs. Jonathan Sexton, Sun Chemicals European product manager, Narrow Web Labels, said, These results from our first customer are a perfect example of how the Solaris Colorsat dispenser is now bringing narrow web printers real savings and improved speed-to-press. Rmer Etikett is already finding that the machine is easy to use and, with hardly any moving parts, it requires minimal maintenance. Anne Lourens, managing director of GSE Dispensing, said, Rmer Etikett is expecting a return on investment of as little as 18 months, which will be achieved by raising quality levels and dramatically driving the cost out of the supply chain by using return inks. More details on the Solaris Colorsat available from Sun Chemicals Jonathan Sexton, jonathan. sextoneu. sunchem. or GSE Dispensings Maarten Hummelen, m. hummelengsedispensing . Graphic Repro On-line, 8 February 2007. PerfectProof announces ProofMaster v3.1 Now offered as a universal application and is fully native for both PowerPC - and Intel-based Macs PerfectProof proudly announces that its award-winning software ProofMaster v3.1 is now available as a Universal application and is fully native for both PowerPC - and Intel-based Macs. On the cutting edge of color management, PerfectProof has gained global acclaim by consistently anticipating the graphic industrys needs while endeavoring to set the bar even higher, both in terms of color accuracy standards and print production efficiency. PerfectProof has consistently been a leading developer and vendor of high-quality proofing tools for graphics professionals using Macs. Developed as a Universal application, ProofMaster v3.1 is fully native on Intel-based Macs. ProofMaster is one of the first RIPS on the market written to take full advantage of the new generation of Intel-based Macs, and generally make life easier for any professional Mac user requiring high-end colour proofing, printing and cutting, stated Mark Verbist, general manager, PerfectProof Europe. As more professionals transition to the Mac Pro and Intel-based Xserve, ProofMaster v3.1 will enable them to reap the full benefit of these new machines. As a Universal application, ProofMaster v3.1 is also fully native on the previous generation of PowerPC-based Macs. The ease of developing for Intel-based Macs with innovative tools like Xcode has allowed thousands of developers to offer Universal versions of their applications, added Ron Okamoto, Apples vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations. Were delighted that ProofMaster v3.1 can now take advantage of the power of our blazing-fast Intel-based Macs. All in 1: one package, multiple applications ProofMaster v3.1 is a state-of-the-art RIP software that drives a multitude of applications from one software package. It is a complete, professional grade software solution for photographers, advertising or design agencies and all offset, gravure, newspaper, flexo, screen and wide-format printers. In October and November 2006 ProofMaster was proclaimed test winner by Macup Magazine in Germany (one of the worlds largest and most demanding printing markets) for best photographic RIP and most precise A2 colour proofing, outperforming competitors on, among other criteria, grey balance and delta E accuracy. For additional information visit: perfectproof . Graphic Repro On-line, 8 February 2007. Autobonds new Sheetmaster 105 TP XXL The largest laminator ever constructed by Autobond leaves the Derbyshire factory for Dallas, Texas this week The largest laminator ever constructed by UK manufacturer Autobond is due to leave the companys Derbyshire factory at the beginning of February to begin a journey across the seas to Texas trade laminator The Lamination Center. The new Sheetmaster 105 TP XXL can laminate sheets, both sides in one pass, at sizes up to 1050 x 1400mm and at speeds up to 120 metres per minute, which is believed to be the fastest output in the world for a sheet-fed film laminator. At this level of throughput, the Sheetmaster 105 TP XXL could laminate 10,000 B1 sheets an hour. I wanted an Autobond laminator from the first time I saw them in 1997, said Grant Johnson, who has placed the order for the new Autobond model. This fulfils a ten year ambition to own and operate one of the finest laminators built. The time has never been more right to install the Autobond Sheetmaster TP XXL here in Dallas. The Autobond machines are extremely well constructed, technologically sophisticated, and yet easy to use. Ive always been impressed by Autobonds willingness to listen to ideas and to build machines that meet or exceed expectations. The ability of the new Sheetmaster 105 TP XXL to laminate stock of 1016 x 1397mm (41 x 55 inches) will enable us to handle the output from our many customers who have large sheetfed presses, while the phenomenal throughput of double-sided lamination means we can meet incredibly tight deadlines. As I have met and consulted with some of the most highly respected leaders in the lamination industry in the United States and their operators, I asked them about their experience with Autobond and their laminators. The most common comments were best investment I ever made, you cant go wrong with Autobond and phenomenal service, among others. In all my dealings with Autobonds United States office and the companys president, John Gilmore and his staff in the UK, Ive had nothing but first class service and help. The Sheetmaster 105 TP XXL should arrive at our factory around the middle of February and Autobond will send an engineer from its USA site to commission the machine and train our staff, which we expect will only take a few days, said Johnson. Like all Autobond models the new Sheetmaster 105 TP XXL offers a high degree of automation, making the laminator easy to operate. Changing film sizes is carried out quickly and easily using an airshaft, which enables make-readies to be achieved normally in less than five minutes, using only a few sheets. The Sheetmaster 105 TP XXL incorporates a Heidelberg Speedmaster 105 feed head, which has separate pick-up and forwarding suckers to transfer sheets on to the 100mm wide (4-inch wide) vacuum feed belts and into the laminating rollers. The feed head is processor controlled and receives continuous job data from a sophisticated encoder on the laminating roller. Features include front-lays for greater under-lap control with thin paper and a new release-liner airshaft for floor graphics. Other features include 30mm (1.2 inch) thick steel side plates that ensure durable and robust construction, Siemens electronics with a touch screen control panel, plus PLC and inverter drives. There is a digital sheet counter, an adjustable anti curl bar, pneumatically adjustable in-feed nip rollers and a pneumatic air clutch to provide constant tension between the laminator and the sheeter. The Siemens electronics enables remote machine diagnostics via a modem link to Autobond technicians. Graphic Repro On-line, 8 February 2007. FESPA 2007 Premier Awards call for entries Entry for the FESPA Premier Awards, recognising excellence in screen and wide-format digital printing is now open Entry to the FESPA 2007 Premier Awards Competition, which recognises excellence in screen printing and wide-format digital imaging, is now open. All printers who are members of national screen printing associations affiliated to FESPA or are FESPA Individual Members can enter, with some industrial categories also being open to non-members. Those wishing to enter the competition can do so by going to fespa2007 and completing the Competition Registration Form before 5th May 2007. Competition entries must be submitted to FESPA by 25 May 2007. All work that has been produced in normal production during the period from June 2005 and March 2007 is eligible for entry. The aim of the Awards is for screen and digital printers to gain exposure within the industry. Nigel Steffens, General Secretary of FESPA (pictured on the right), commented, The Awards offer printers a high profile chance to showcase their work to an international audience of thousands. We at FESPA feel that the high standard of work that is being achieved by printers across our Associations should be celebrated. We hope that printers seize the opportunity to exhibit their work and gain recognition for their achievements. The number of categories has risen this year to 22, with the inclusion of a new digital category for Pure Textile. Two other categories have been amended to include industrial applications and signage. Full details of categories and guidelines are also available from the website. Companies can enter any number of categories within the competition, though only two entries can be accepted per category. Entries will be assessed by teams of judges chosen from an international panel on 3 and 4 June, just before FESPA 2007 (5 9 June, in Berlin). All of the entries will be displayed at the exhibition in the Awards Pavilion, and can be viewed by all visitors to the show. The winners will be notified of their achievement before 5 June and are invited to attend the FESPA 2007 Awards Winners Party, to be held on 7 June in the Messe Berlin Halls. For full information on the FESPA 2007 Premier Awards Competition please visit: fespa2007. You can also use the FESPA Sponsor logo or banner on our Home Page. Both are hyperlinked to FESPAs Website. Graphic Repro On-line, 7 February 2007. Agfa Graphics launches Dotrix TransColor Advanced processor and inkJet enable high-quality full-colour printing of complex, variable-data documents at high-speed Agfa Graphics has launched the Dotrix TransColor, an inkjet colour printer that adds high-quality colour to high-speed printing of transactional and transpromotional documents and direct mail pieces. A powerful IPDS (Intelligent Printer Data Stream) controller combines with single - pass printing engines, high-resolution inkjet technology and UV curable inks to deliver a lower cost-per-copy and faster return on investment. The Dotrix TransColor processes pages in real time. A powerful IPDS FS45 controller uses scalable data-processing technology to provide nearly unlimited processing power. By distributing processing tasks to a cluster farm, the controller can RIP in real-time regardless of project complexity and colour density. Adding full colour to already complex database printing has been a stumbling block for transactional, transpromotional and direct mail printing because it slows down the processing. When designing the Dotrix TransColor, Agfa made eliminating bottlenecks a top priority, said Agfa Graphics vice president of inkjet solutions, Jan Vangeel. The technology that comes together in this system delivers high-end colour at the lowest cost-per-copy and highest return on investment. The systems printing engine, SPICE (Single Pass Color Engine) is another reason the Dotrix TransColor can deliver full colour at high speed. It is configured with a static array of inkjet heads that span the entire printing width. Using the maximum paper width (650mm), it can print A4 pages, 3-up, on both sides of the paper (duplex) in a single pass to produce nearly 500 A4 pages per minute 30,000 per hour. The system is configured with a roll-to-roll feed for uninterrupted printing. A third-party in-line finishing solution can be added for even greater productivity. Agfa Graphics drop-on-demand piezo inkjet heads use the greyscale principle to vary the sizes of the droplets that create the printing dot. The heads generate multiple levels of grey for each ink colour that makes a single dot. This produces the smooth colour tints and gradations normally seen only on high-end printing presses. The Dotrix TransColor uses Agfa Graphics Agorix Nova inks, which are different from standard inkjet inks. With similar characteristics as UV offset inks, they are scratch, smear and water resistant. They can print on any standard paper with the lustre and vibrancy of magazine-printing inks. The ability to use standard papers further reduces cost-per-copy. The Agorix Nova ink and drop-on-demand inkjet technology combine with non-linear (stochastic) screening to deliver perceived 900dpi resolution. The result is a level of colour quality not seen in other high-speed printers. Graphic Repro On-line, 7 February 2007 Graphic Web Systems opens new office in France GWS has now opened its eighth international office: The latest in Saint-Raphal, France, with Gal Amic as MD The management of Graphic Web Systems B. V. headquartered in Schijndel, The Netherlands, announces the opening of its 8th international office. On 6 February 2007 Graphic Web Systems France SARL will start its activities in Saint-Raphal, France. Gal Amic has been appointed managing director. Eric van Kessel, commercial director of GWS said, We are convinced to have appointed a well-respected and knowledgeable colleague with a broad experience in selling used presses and systems related to the web offset industry. Amic will be responsible for the markets in France, the Maghreb-countries and Greece. He will also provide support to Graphic Web Systems Italy. Graphic Web Systems France SARL is located at the following address: Centre Europe, Boulevard du Cerceron, F-83700 Saint-Raphal, France mobile: 33 (0)6 69 64 90 80, e-mail: gael. amicgws. nl. Website: gws. nl . Graphic Web Systems, headquartered in Schijndel, The Netherlands, has offices in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Spain, Italy, the United States, Turkey, and has representation for Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania and Kazakstan in association with Crestwood Trading AB Graphic Web Systems in Sweden. Full details are listed on the back page of the GWS Winter flyer, which can be downloaded from our Online Features 2007 section - see Chapter 3. Graphic repro On-line, 7 February 2007. HP provides opportunities through PrintIT HP has undertaken to support the 2007 PrintIT initiative again, following its successful 2006 sponsorship HP will support the 2007 PrintIT initiative following its successful 2006 sponsorship, where the company donated prizes including four Designjet large-format inkjet printers that were presented to four winning schools following Ipex 2006. If we want to maintain a vibrant, progressive industry, then those of us working in it have to be active in raising awareness of the graphic arts and developing a skill set among todays students, who will be the future of our businesses, said Paul Randall, marketing manager, UK Ireland, HP, Indigo Digital Press. Everyone involved in print has a part to play including manufacturers, suppliers, printers and organisations. HP is committed to providing industry training to both our customers and students, to teach them how to achieve the most from digital technologies, spanning the large and super-wide format, commercial and industrial markets. Large-format inkjet printing lends itself well to providing young people with a means of bringing study-related projects to life, encouraging them to see their work as it would look if it were produced in a commercial environment. Were delighted to have been able to help students at four winning schools in 2006, which now have the capabilities of a Designjet at their disposal, and were looking forward to helping other schools during the second year of PrintIT PrintIT is a major initiative to encourage students to embark on a career in the UK printing industry through exposure to printing technologies and equipment at GCSE level. The initiative, led by Picon (the business support organisation for suppliers to the printing industry), The Specialist Schools Trust and The Fairtrade Foundation attracted 545 schools and 23,000 students participated in the Autumn 2005 competition. Canon Slade School in Bolton, received a Designjet printer when student Harriet Geddes won the Best use of Flexo Print category at the PrintIT Awards at Ipex last year. Having an HP Designjet on-site is a fantastic resource giving students a hands-on experience to work with technology that is also used by professionals in the printing industry, said Darren Shore, technology teacher, Cannon Slade School. For example, students with packaging projects are able to print their carton designs on board and make three-dimensional proofs. Students learning CADCAM skills can now print hard copies of their work easily, while those producing posters, point-of-sale, CD covers, leaflets, etc, all have instant access to cutting-edge colour technology. Canon Slade School offers a range of graphic design courses for year 10 and 11 students (14 - 16 year-olds) and the Designjet has quickly become an integral tool to the success of these courses. In addition, it is now hoping to provide a wide-format inkjet printing service to other departments in the school. Weve had great support from Picon and the people involved in the PrintIT initiative, said Darren. The students who entered the competition were filled with enthusiasm, while the winners had a day at the awards ceremony that they will never forget. Well certainly be entering again this coming year. For more information and details on how to enter visit: printit. org. uk . Graphic Repro On-line, 7 February 2007. New digital and screen specs from GWG GWG announces four new PDF workflow specifications for large-format digital printing and screen printing The Ghent PDF Workgroup (GWG) has announced four new GWG specifications addressing two additional markets: large-format digital printing and screen printing. The specifications answer the growing need for PDF best practices in these markets, which are rapidly moving to PDF workflows. The four new specifications are additions to the GWG 2005 v3 specifications offering best practices for PDF file exchange in graphic arts and publishing applications. According to Andy Den Tandt, technical product manager for Enfocus and co-chair of the GWG Specifications subcommittee, As a group we are really pleased with the progress and speed with which weve collaborated and developed these best practice PDF specifications for practical production applications. The goal of the Ghent PDF Workgroup is to make it easy to produce reliable digital documents that can be used from creation to final print production. To accomplish this, the Ghent PDF Workgroup considers the entire workflow and all the steps that influence the final result. Customers are generally well informed regarding the specifications of the litho process, but quite often dont have an understanding of the requirements of screen or digital processes, therefore, these new standards will help to deliver files appropriate to these production processes, said Nick Stevens, technical director, SP Group, one of the largest screen and digital printers, including large-format, in the UK. GWG serving additional market applications The four new specifications added to the GWG release v3 2005 set address two new, rapidly expanding markets: For large-format digital printing specialised high resolution print productions using screen rulings higher than 150lpi (60lcm) or using special screening technologies like FM, Stochastic, etc, or large-format printing (where the pages are created at a fraction of the final output size). very high resolution (without downsampling) CMYK (CmykVeryHiRes1v3) CMYKspot (SpotVeryHiRes1v3) In the standard GWG CMYK HiRes specifications, color and greyscale images shall not be below 100 dpi and should not be above 300dpi. This is common practice for many Hi Res printing applications using traditional screening with screen rulings up to 150lpi (60lcm). For special productions, the use of higher frequency screens, FM screening, Stochastic screening, or a mix of some of these technologies, may require higher image resolutions in order to result in the best possible, fine detail in print. For such projects, GWG recommends using the specifications CmykVeryHiRes and SpotVeryHiRes. Using these settings will leave the image resolution unchanged (ie, no downsampling during PDF creation and preflighting). Image resolution for VeryHiRes applications may vary depending on the screening technology used, as well as on subject matter. As a rule of thumb for traditional screening, it is recommended that image resolution should be 1.5 to 2x the screen resolution. For alternative screening technologies (such as FM, Stochastic, etc.), you may follow the instructions of your supplier or define the optimum image resolution yourself by printing test targets For Screen Printing For both graphical and industrial screen printing, using screen resolutions between 15lpi (6lcm) in outdoor up to 150lpi (60lcm) indoor. Screening technology may vary from traditional screening (rounded and oval dot) to other screening technologies such as FM, Stochastic, etc. CMYK (ScreenPrintCmyk1v3) CMYKspot (ScreenPrintSpot1v3) Vendor members to date are: Adobe, Adstream, Agfa, Artwork, Callas, CGS, Dalim, Enfocus, Esko, Global Graphics, GMG, Gradual, Heidelberg, HP, ICS, Kodak, OneVision, pub-specs, Quark and Screen Europe. More information about GWG, and to download the free specifications visit: gwg. org Graphic Repro On-line, 7 February 2007. PDS opts for five-colour Lithrone S 26 PDS Print orders the West Countrys first 660mm Komori to break new markets with special colours and seals PDS Print has placed an order for the first 660mm Komori in the West Country, in the UK. The five-colour Lithrone S 26 will replace a four colour press from another manufacturer, which has been running at full capacity for the past 18 months. The Komori press is due to be installed at the Plymouth print works in early March where the fifth unit will allow PDS Print to diversify into additional spot colours and seals, creating an added dimension to its core business of medium run-length booklets and brochures for major clients including the NHS and local sports clubs. The speed of the new Komori will enable PDS Print to break into longer run markets whilst offering existing clients enhanced quality and reduced delivery times. Situated in Plympton, PDS Print was founded in 1977 and is now run by second generation managing director Gordon Bryan and sales director Chris Russell. Throughout its history the companys policy has been always to invest in the best equipment and the installation of the new Komori is another chapter in its continued growth and success. The company employs 15 dedicated members of staff and expects turnover to increase significantly once the Lithrone S 526 is up and running. Managing director Gordon Bryan commented, This investment in a five colour Komori Lithrone will make us far more competitive and increase capacity massively. The sheet size suits our booklet work perfectly and also fits our finishing line. The new press will bring about a significant change to the company - not only will it speed up turnaround but it will open up new markets for longer-run quality colour work. We chose a Komori press after extensive research because of the superior build quality and the software linking press to pre-press. This software is extremely impressive and will mean we can guarantee speed, quality and consistency. Komori people are very pro-active and easy to deal with and the technical support and back up we have been offered is excellent. Other recent investments include a CTP platesetter and a new Muller Martini finishing and stitching line. Chris Russell commented, Expansion plans include taking on more agency and confidential trade work following the press installation in March. Phil Holland, sales manager (South) for Komori UK added, Komori is thrilled to be part of this important development in PDS Prints history and to be installing our first LS26 in the West Country. We are looking forward to seeing what impact the new Komori will have on a company like PDS - the advanced performance of record setting high speed make-ready times and running speed of 16,000sph will more than double their capacity and enable the company to diversify into new areas. Pictured above: PDS Print managing director Gordon Bryan with sales director Chris Russell. Graphic Repro On-line, 7 February 2007. Ukraines first Goss Uniliner press Double-width press for Ukrpolygraphmedia comprising heatset and coldset towers for magazines and newspapers Ukrpolygraphmedia, based in Kiev, Ukraine, has invested in a new shaftless Goss Uniliner press comprising of both heatset and coldset towers for the production of magazines and newspapers. With a cut-off of 600mm and a speed of up to 75,000 copies per hour, this will be the first Goss double-width press to be installed in the country. Gregory Shverk, print plant manager of Ukrpolygraphmedia commented, The Goss Uniliner press is the first of its kind in our market, and we are very pleased to be pioneers in this respect. As an existing user of the Goss Community press we have come to see the Goss brand as a symbol of quality both in terms of products and excellent customer service and support. The Uniliner press will be installed during the autumn of 2007. One four-high tower will have three form rollers and a heatset drying package and a 2:3:3 folder with quarterfold capabilities. A four-high coldset tower with two form rollers will have a 2:3:3 folder with quarterfold and double parallel capability. Shverk continued, The 2:3:3 jaw folder is a very versatile piece of equipment, which suits a wide variety of product formats. The addition of the quarterfold attachment will enable us to enhance our product offering with the ability to produce 76 x 152mm (3 x 6-inch) school and paperback books. The press will be fully equipped with the award-winning Goss DigiRail digital inking system which consistently delivers the precise quantity of ink, allowing presetting systems to be fully utilised to deliver high quality, extremely low start-up waste and reduced operator intervention. The press will also be fitted with Goss OPCS level 3 press controls for advanced presetting. Level 3 controls allow for the presetting of many press parameters including ink keys, web tension, circumferential and lateral adjustments, infeed gain (coldset) and tension (heatset), cut-off compensation, RTF gain, lap adjustment and folding cylinder diameter adjustment. Shverk explained, We hope that this level of control will significantly reduce the time it takes to complete jobs, maximising both our productivity and our profitability. Peter Selby, sales director at Goss International commented, This is a landmark sale for Goss International in this region in the double-width market. The Uniliner press is designed for high-speed, high quality printing and will certainly put Ukrpolygraphmedia in a good position for securing its future as a leading printer in the region. The unique solution that has been provided will enable them to remain competitive and will play a key role in the publishers future success. Graphic Repro On-line, 7 February 2007. Lscher XPose UV with latest 140mW laser diodes XPose UV conventional platesetter now on sale worldwide using new high-performance violet laser diodes During a distributors conference in Switzerland at the end of January 2007, Lscher made the new XPose UV conventional platesetter accessible to its marketing partners for sale worldwide. Based on the companys successful thermal platesetter, the XPose UV conventional is the first digital platesetter in the world to employ violet laser diodes for imaging conventional UV-offset plates, thereby enabling good-value contact plates to be processed. Based on the technology employed by more than 850 XPose thermal platesetters in production worldwide, a new exposure head was developed using high-performance violet laser diodes which first became available at the beginning of 2006. With a power output of 140mW, they project so much light onto the plate that inexpensive conventional printing plates can be imaged just as quickly as thermal plates. Violet laser diodes have a very long lifespan but they are expensive which is why the XPose with laser diodes is about a third more expensive than the thermal platesetters. The additional price is compensated however by the lower cost of conventional plates since the more plates produced by a printing house, the quicker the amortisation of the additional price and the platesetter as a whole. In the course of practical demonstrations, the 59 marketing partners, from 26 countries in five continents, saw how an Ipagsa Exo 88 positive-working 8-page plate was exposed by a UV-Conventional platesetter with 64 violet laser diodes in only 124 seconds. Over 20 manufacturers around the globe today produce more than 60 different types of conventional offset plates. Since last autumn Lscher has tested 25 of those plates and found only four to be unsuitable. Accreditation of the plates commences, in conjunction with the plate manufacturers, in February. In December both FOGRA in Germany and System Brunner in Switzerland examined and cerified the Lscher XPose UV conventional. In the summary of the 29-page inspection report System Brunner confirmed, It was proved that, with the Lscher platesetter XPose UV conventional, the three screen resolutions of 60lcm, 80lcm and FM 20 micron can be imaged to excellent quality standards on various types of positive and negative plates. Users of the XPose thermal platesetters who took delivery of their machines with the LM-3 laser modules since 2004 can, from autumn 2007, have their platesetters converted to the new violet-laser-diode exposing system. The first two XPose UV conventional units have been working in German printing houses since January 2007 and a further 19, already ordered and partly still in production, XPose UV platesetters will be delivered by the end of April. Further information is available at: luescher Graphic Repro On-line, 6 February 2007. New cost-effective entry-level Xeikon 4000 Xeikon extends its product family with the launch of the Xeikon 4000 and vastly improved Xeikon 5000plus models Xeikon launched two new digital colour printing presses last week: the Xeikon 4000 and the Xeikon 5000plus. With this, Xeikon completes its product family, following the launch of the Xeikon 6000 in September 2006 and is ready to approach the market with a fresh twist. During the launch event several customers will emphasise Xeikons solutions driven approach with a live demonstration of their applications. They will reveal and confirm Xeikons proven technology and excellent quality. The Xeikon 4000 Entry level in first class The new Xeikon 4000 system offers the most affordable opportunity to embark with Xeikon in digital colour printing. With higher quality product specifications and with a very competitive market price, this digital press is exactly what professional printers need to get going. They can finally meet the increasingly demanding needs of their customers, and see their business potential enhanced in an effortless and cost-effective way. The new Xeikon 4000 allows printing on a wide array of substrates and formats of 500mm wide. It boasts Xeikons unique One-Pass-Duplex technology, which minimises total run time and produces perfect prints in a single pass. The Xeikon 4000 incorporates the X-800 DFE (Digital Front End) that combines extensive pre-press functionalities including a fast RIP with impressive variable data processing and collation capabilities. Furthermore the open, scalable and modular X-800 serves as an extra quality assurance tool. The Xeikon 4000 uses the unique Xeikon FA (form adapted) toner delivering outstanding print quality Siegfried Trinker, chief sales and marketing officer added, More and more businesses want to step into digital printing, and they are right. The Xeikon 4000 is targeted exactly at those customers that are looking for a high class easy access opportunity to digital printing. The Xeikon 4000 is a top quality system and it is very affordable. The Xeikon 5000plus - Legendary trendsetter The renowned Xeikon 5000 has been improved with numerous developments to make the Xeikon 5000plus continue to set the trend. This enhanced digital press incorporates Xeikons One-Pass-Duplex technology and DFE for high levels of productivity and quality. It also includes the Xeikon FA toner range for vibrant colours. The Xeikon 5000plus comes standard with a variable web input module, offering customers a unique format and substrate flexibility. The Xeikon 5000plus can be upgraded at the customer site to an unbeatable Xeikon 6000 whenever a customer feels ready to go for the best. The Xeikon 6000 - Proven outperformer Launched in September 2006, the Xeikon 6000 is at the head of the Xeikon family, outperforming competitive products in the market in every possible way. This fully featured digital press offers dazzling speeds of 160 pages per minute and a never seen level of productivity and reliability. The Xeikon 6000 duty cycle can reach up to five million equivalent A4month in a seven day per week operation. With Xeikons FA toner, DFE and variable web input module as standard, the Xeikon 6000 outperforms in colour, quality, flexibility, variability, and productivity. The Xeikon 330 - Matchless label printing Completing the Xeikon family, is the very successful Xeikon 330. It is designed for matchless label printing and special applications such as transfer printing. Together, these digital colour printing presses form the Xeikon family, all designed and delivered to our customers to master digital printing. Trinker concluded, With the launch of the Xeikon systems family and the new Xeikon 4000 in particular, we are responding to a strong request from our customers and prospects to make the Xeikon concept available to a broader audience. From whatever perspective, this family of digital presses offers businesses with growth potential the most opportune solution. The company that enjoys a starting digital growth with a need to increase production capacity can appreciate the top quality and very affordable Xeikon 4000. The very high volume digital printer will be happy to find all the performance there is on the market compiled in the Xeikon 6000. The Xeikon 5000plus as an intermediate solution can be upgraded to a Xeikon 6000 any time at the customers location. This family of products has a blooming future ahead. In the Southern African market place. Antalis Graphics represents Punch Graphix and the Xeikon range of digital presses. Further information can be found at: antalis. co. za For all other georgaphical regions, and to find your local distributor, go to: punchgraphix Graphic Repro On-line, 6 February 2007. Esko appoints Guy Van Puyvelde to new global role Esko appoints senior VP sales and marketing to cover global sales, service and marketing activities Esko has appointed Guy Van Puyvelde as senior vice-president sales and marketing, reporting to Carsten Knudsen, CEO, effective 1 January, 2007. In this newly established position, Van Puyvelde will lead Eskos four regional sales and service divisions (EuropeMiddle EastAfricaLatin America, North America, AsiaPacific and Japan). He will also have operational responsibility for Eskos Global Sales and Corporate Marketing departments. Van Puyvelde brings to Esko 20 years of international experience in sales, marketing and general business management. Prior to his appointment at Esko, Van Puyvelde served for two years as the CEO and managing director of GPG, a Belgian distributor of paper and supplies to the printing and sign-making industry, and a subsidiary of an international group active in 22 European countries. Van Puyvelde started his career with Agfa-Gevaert in 1986. He moved to the United States in 1998 to be product co-ordinator and later senior marketing manager for Agfas Graphic Systems division. He then served as president and CEO of Agfa Mexico (1995 - 1999) and Agfa Canada (1999 - 2001), before returning as general manager Agfa Graphic Systems Europe. Van Puyvelde (45) holds a Masters degree in electronic engineering from the University of Brussels and an MBA from the University of Leuven. Carsten Knudsen, CEO Esko, stated, Esko is firmly set to continue its strong business growth in packaging, in all regions worldwide and in all of our product and service activities. Guy strengthens our management team by his extensive leadership experience in a global marketplace, and will be a key driver in implementing our sales growth and overall business objectives. Graphic Repro On-line, 6 February 2007. Delphax CR2200 at Hunkeler industry showcase Delphax Technologies debuts the worlds fastest, most productive digital press at the Hunkeler Innovation Days show The CR2200 runs at 500 feet-per-minute with true 600-by-600 dpi print quality Delphax Technologies is revealing its next-generation digital press, the CR2200, as well as the new CR1000 and 1500 systems at the Hunkeler Innovation Days industry showcase in Switzerland. The newly upgraded Delphax presses will be making their worldwide debut at the exhibition, taking place from 5 to 8 February. The new CR Series systems operate at a record-shattering 152 metres per minute, or up to 2,180 210 x 280mm pages per minute. That translates into an additional eleven per cent production output in a three-shift environment, and the lowest cost per page for a monochrome digital press. Once again, Delphax systems have set the speed standard, running 25 to 500 per cent faster than other digital presses with an average uptime of more than 90 per cent. Dieter Schilling, Delphax Technologies president and CEO said, Delphax CR Series users typically realize a much shorter payback on their investment. The upgraded machines are proof positive that users dont have to sacrifice quality to achieve top speeds and productivity with their print systems. All CR Series presses produce true 600 x 600dpi text and line art, as well as grey-scale images that satisfy user requirements. Delphax customers who purchased a CR Series 900, 1300 or 2000 system between 8 March 2006, and 6 February 2007, are eligible for free upgrades to their existing systems. Were pleased to be able to meet the growing worldwide demand for monochrome printing and increased productivity - without raising our equipment prices, continues Schilling. We want to make the benefits of this technology readily available to all potential users who require the utmost versatility and customisation, the lowest operating cost, and the ability to print one item or thousands at the same low cost per page, he concluded. The new Delphax systems handle a broad range of applications and substrates ranging from ultra-light paper to heavy stocks, and are designed to easily integrate with a wide variety of post-production systems and applications. They are the only 600 x 600dpi systems that enable many finishing systems to achieve their maximum speed potential. Delphax is represented thoughout Southern Africa by Thunderbolt Solutions. Graphic Repro On-line, 6 February 2007. Sun Chemical launches EOS fast process inks New four-colour, sheetfed offset inks offer fast conversion and work-and-turn higher productivity gains Sun Chemical has launched EOS, a new series of four-colour, sheetfed offset inks offer fast conversion and work and turn (depending on the substrate) to allow for high productivity. EOS inks exhibit low dot gain, good contrast and a bright finish, which enhances print quality. Their characteristics including excellent printability, good infra-red reactivity and quick absorption, make them ideal for printing on the fastest presses and provide a cost-effective solution for commercial and publication sheetfed printers. John Adkin, European product director, sheetfed and UV, Sun Chemical Europe, said, The commercial and publication sheetfed offset market requires modern printing inks to provide high-intensity printing, fast work and turn and rapid finishing. This is a significant challenge for ink manufacturers. EOS(tm) inks have the key attributes required to achieve this, providing high-strength printing on fast presses. These high-quality sheetfed offset inks give best results in stack performance and fast conversion on a wide range of substrates. They offer high resistance to print scratching and to on-press marking, two properties that are vital for fast production. EOS inks also comply with ISO 2846-1, which specifies the colour and transparency characteristics of each ink in a process colour ink set, and when used with appropriate procedures, allows printers to print in accordance with ISO12647-2, which specifies a number of process parameters and their values to be applied when preparing colour separations for four-colour offset printing. To complement the launch of EOS, Sun Chemical has also produced a best practice guide for fast work and turn on high-speed presses. This covers issues such as set-off and marking in the stack, marking on the press, problems with fast finishing and reduced spray powder operation. The EOS series of inks are available for immediate delivery across Europe. To order Sun Chemical EOS inks, contact your local Sun Chemical service centre. Contact details are available on sunchemicaleuropeen-ukGbl-ContactUs. en-uk. html For the guide to best practices in fast, work-and-turn printing with reduced spray powder, e-mail: sheetfedeu. sunchem Graphic Repro On-line, 6 February 2007. Metro endorses QuarkXPress and now Quark Server Metro solidifies relationship with Quark by choosing to implement QuarkXPress Server 7 into its editorial system Metro International, the international newspaper group which recently adopted QuarkXPress 7 globally, has now chosen to integrate QuarkXPress Server 7 into its editorial system. This decision has further strengthened Metros relationship with Quark. As a dynamic publishing technology, QuarkXPress Server 7 combines the design power and collaboration functionality of QuarkXPress with server-based performance to produce creative Web-based or data-driven communications. Metro International publishes the newspaper Metro. the largest and fastest growing international newspaper. As Metro International continues to extend its brand through its network of Web sites across the world, the ability to streamline its workflow and improve efficiency is becoming increasingly important. By enabling self-serve access over the Web, QuarkXPress Server 7 supports distribution and collaboration among creative teams and groups outside of the creative workflow. In addition, QuarkXPress Server 7 enables users to develop data-driven applications and deploy them to automate production, eliminate redundant steps, and publish to multiple channels. In an increasingly competitive market, we recognise the importance of reducing costs and improving efficiency without sacrificing quality. QuarkXPress Sever 7 enables us to reduce cycle times by automating the production workflow. Jobs are routed to multiple workgroups, departments, or organisations for online review and approval. With QuarkXPress Server 7, we are well on our way to automating design localisation, pagination, and content and ad placement, said Michael Mendoza, global group IT director of Metro International. This is a powerful tool as it will enable us to create one global design which can then be shared and synchronized to all countries automatically. In addition, QuarkXPress Server enables us to leverage existing assets, including QuarkXPress layouts and templates and editorial and production systems. This extends the value of QuarkXPress 7 as it allows us to use our existing QuarkXPress content and repurpose it for delivery to new channels. Nick Howard, Quark director of enterprise products, said, Were delighted that Metro International has chosen to implement QuarkXPress Server 7 into their production workflow to gain greater efficiency and automate their business processes. We see this as a validation of the strategic direction of the product group and their confidence in Quark as a company to deliver innovative groundbreaking technologies that support the creation and delivery of highly persuasive on-demand creative communications. For further information on QuarkXPress Server or if you are interested in becoming a partner, please visit: euro. quarkenproductsserver7 . Graphic Repro On-line 6 February 2007. Artworks workshops highly successful Artwork Systems workshop on Nexus workflows proved a hit - with delegates signed-up for future courses The Artwork Systems workshop on Nexus workflows, which the company held at its new Redditch technology centre last week, proved to be a big hit with delegates some of whom have already signed up for future courses. The two-day event, hosted by Artwork Systems senior UK product specialist Nigel Wild, was the first of a series of workshops that Artwork Systems is holding over the next six months for operators of its software and systems. Kristian Wells, prepress manager at James Townsend Sons in Exeter, which supplies high quality litho and flexo wet glue labels, thought that the workshop event was so beneficial that he has already booked operators to go on the ArtPro workshop, while he is now booked to go on the screening and calibration course. The advice we got at last weeks event on implementing XML has been so useful that weve almost halved the amount of workflows we have. This has increased productivity and by using XML we have much more control, said Wells. We learnt lots of other handy tips during the two days and it was useful to talk to other operators and Nexus users from the same field. Paul Taylor is part of the IT department at Lincolnshire repro house V W Graphics, which supplies repro to leading packagingflexo printers. Ive been using a Nexus workflow system for about seven years but even with this level of experience I still learnt some new tricks from the two-day workshop, said Taylor. Artwork Systems is constantly evolving its software so a concentrated hands on event like this was very useful. Ive come away with several new ideas on how to improve our existing workflows and implement new features into the workflows to further increase productivity. Pictured above: The Artwork Systems workshop on Nexus workflows held recently at the companys new technology centre in Redditch. Graphic Repro On-line, 6 February 2007. The cost of colour print has fallen InfoTrends report shows the cost of digital colour printing has fallen by 58 per cent in the past ten years A new InfoTrends report, entitled The Cost of Colour Print shows that the cost of digital colour printing on the HP Indigo press 5000 is 58 per cent less than digital printing was a decade ago. In the same year that InfoTrends called the HP Indigo press 5000 the first true universal production device, this new independent report, carried out using recognised industry methods and standards, sponsored by HP reaches two other important conclusions: cross-over points have risen, and a trend towards shorter run lengths combined with longer, cost-effective digital print will lead to the mainstream adoption of digital printing technology. Printing speeds up printing costs down For the InfoTrends study of digital printing costs, both the HP Indigo press 3000 and the HP Indigo press 5000 were compared against results for the Indigo E-Print 1000, featured in a 1996 report. Since the E-Print 1000 had operating speeds about half that of todays HP Indigo presses, statistics for the E-Print 1000 were based on volumes of 200,000 2-up, 40 sheets per month, while the HP Indigo press 3000 and HP Indigo press 5000 were evaluated based on a volume of 400,000 sheets per month. Service and supplies costs as well as depreciation over a five-year period were included in the calculations. 1996 Indigo E-Print 1000 0.096 per 210 x 280mm (8.5-inch x 11-inch) page 2001 HP Indigo press 3000 0.062 per 210 x 280mm page 2006 HP Indigo press 5000 0.040 per 210 x 280mm page The report also notes that for very high volumes, the 2006 cost could even be as low as 0.03 per page. Falling commercial colour run lengths The report also cites changes in print buyer behaviour over the past ten years. In 1995, 53 per cent of the commercial colour printing market comprised run lengths of more than 5,000. By 2005, according to InfoTrends, that number had fallen to 20.1 per cent of jobs. At the same time, short run jobs had increased, with 50.5 per cent of colour printing jobs now in runs under 500. This creates a digital printing opportunity to capture the, now, nearly 70 per cent of all colour jobs that fall in the 1 - 2,500 copies range. Calculating the cost of colour For its evaluations, the InfoTrends used the methodology and data published by the National Association for Printing Leadership (NAPL), and evaluated the performance of an HP Indigo press 5000 and two leading sheetfed offset presses in the production of five typical colour jobs. All costs are per page based on 210 x 280mm 115gsm coated text sheets, trimmed, and, where relevant, folded and or saddle stitched. The jobs were: a) a sell sheet 40 b) a sell sheet 41 c) a 210 x 280mm two-fold leaflet, 44 d) an 8-page product catalogue 44, self-covered and a 16-page catalogue, 44, with coated cover stock. Performance of the three presses were plotted, and yielded the following results. (The cross-over point is that number of copies up to which its cheaper to print digitally than conventionally). Job Cross-over point Sell sheet (40) 2,100 copies Sell sheet (41) 2,300 copies Two-fold leaflet (44) 1,500 copies 8-page catalogue (44) 700 copies 16-page catalogue (44) 700 copies Commenting on the findings of the report, Alon Bar-Shany, general manager, Indigo division, HP, said, This research clearly shows that on market trend run lengths, price competitiveness and the suitability of digital printing for up to 70 per cent of all commercial colour jobs, the HP Indigo press 5000 offers large and small printers competitive advantages. The InfoTrends report reaches its own positive conclusions on the present and future capabilities of digital printing, The continued innovation and maturation of digital colour print technology have made it more cost-competitive in relation to offset. The market has moved to shorter run lengths, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Ongoing improvements in digital technology and reductions in run length make the addressable opportunity for digital ever increasing. This is one reason that we have forecasted mainstream adoption of this technology, and we remain confident of its continued rapid growth. It is also quite clear that digital production colour printing is not just for very short run lengths. The report is available to download by using this specific hyperlink from: hp The Cost of Colour, InfoTrends, 16 October, 2006. Improvements to the HP Indigo 5000 Make it the First True Universal Production Device InfoTrends, 17 March, 2006. It would be interesting to learn how much the cost of litho printing has also fallen over the past ten years, which has witnessed one the the most difficult periods of pricing pressures the industry has possibly experienced in modern times, in both sheetfed and web offset. Perhaps one of our readers, or our major manufacturers can provide some feedback Graphic Repro On-line, 5 February 2007. Goss agenda includes free training sessions The 39th Goss Users Group conference brings unique education opportunities from Goss experts and newspaper delegates This years agenda of the Metro Users Group annual conference is filled with practical and educational programs that will bring great value and benefits to participants. On Sunday afternoon, 18 February, three free sequential one-hour training sessions will be provided by technical experts of Goss International. Tom Bernth and John Gotch of Goss Internationals Lifetime Support group will discuss unit and folder rebuild opportunities from their extensive press experience. Goss folder experts Slavek Panek and Jim Murphy will offer their hands-on knowledge and expertise on former board setting, operation and trouble shooting techniques. Goss International training director Gary Fisher along with training veteran Rich Allen will explore methods and training programs to achieve productivity improvements. Joining Fisher and Allen in this section will be Terry Augustyn from the New York Times to share his experience in improving pressroom efficiency. All registered conference delegates are invited to attend these valuable training sessions at no additional charge. Mondays general session will include a company update from Goss International CEO Bob Brown and an industry trend and technology update from John Richards, director of newspaper product management. Also, Terry Augustyn will share criteria used in selecting the Colorliner press at the New York Times and John Jenkins of the Fredericksburg, Virginia, Free Lance-Star will speak about why the Goss FPS press is the right choice for their operation. Participants will also hear presentations about subjects such as Quality Total System Reproduction from a group of technical experts in the industry. During the Tuesday product breakout sessions, attendees will have opportunities to meet their peers and to ask questions of specialists from Goss International sales, engineering, parts, service, training and product enhancement. The conference continues with a series of seminars on specific industry related technical topics on Wednesday morning. Attendees can choose any of the following sections: Updates on paper width changes How to optimise your pressroom: ink savings, press enhancements, rebuild and upgrade opportunities, new operating techniques and tracking web performance Whats best for you violet or thermal CTP choices President of the Metro Users Group, Matt Theiler, is excited about this years conference, I encourage Goss double width press users and Universal press users to join us at the Metro Users conference. You will have many opportunities to meet your friends and colleagues and discuss with them items of mutual interest. You will also have an opportunity to hear about the latest trends and technologies in the worldwide printing industry, and will learn useful hands-on techniques in performance improvement. For Metro Users Conference attendees, Goss International also offers site visit opportunities during and after the conference. For example, Goss International can schedule you to visit the Albuquerque Journal in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where 22 RTP upgrades have been completed and are in full production. A number of other installations are also available for site visits. Please call 800-323-1200 and ask for the Lifetime Support group or visit the Goss International booth during the Metro Users Conference to schedule a guided tour of Goss installation sites. Why wait Register today for the 39th Metro Users Annual Conference. The conference will be held at the Wyndham Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida, from Saturday, 17 February, to Wednesday, 21 February, 2007. The Annual Golf Tournament will be held at the Eagle Creek Golf Club on Saturday, 17 February. To obtain the discounted conference hotel rate you must register by 16 February. Please visit: metrousers for registration and hotel information. Graphic Repro On-line, 5 February 2007. Screen appoints Fujifilm in Sweden Screen Europe announces today that it has appointed Fujifilm Sweden as its new distributor in Sweden The company will sell and support the full range of Screens PlateRite CTP platesetters and Trueflow workflow solutions. Fujifilm and Screen have been commercial partners on a worldwide basis for many years. Fujifilm Sweden is an important addition to our European distribution network and will enable us to broaden our share of the Swedish CTP market, said Frans Kops, Northern European sales manager for Screen, The partnership demonstrates our intention to provide our powerful and innovative print production solutions to a widening customer base in Scandinavia. Schneidler Grafiska AB, Screens original distributor in Sweden, has become a dealer for Fujifilm Sweden and will continue to sell all Screen products as it has done over the past three years. The company is part of the Schneidler Group and supplies a wide range of pre-press, print finishing products and consumables including Toray waterless plates. Henrik Akerman, Business Unit manager graphic arts products, Fujifilm Sweden explained, I am very happy to broaden our portfolio with a high quality brand like Screen in the Swedish Graphic Arts market. We know that Screens products will give the customers and Fujifilm Sweden an added value in a demanding market, not only offering CTP and workflows but also digital presses. Graphic Repro On-line, 5 February 2007. New sheetfed press feature now online A new press-related article has been added to our Technology-related feature section in Online Features 2007 The latest article has been added to our Technology-related section (Chapter 02) in Online Features 2007, which can be accessed from the Index to your left on the Home Page: A tailor-made machine: The Printmaster 52 The variety found in print jobs is reflected in the wide range of different print shops. Each has its own business model when equipping itself with machines. A special article from the latest issue of Heidelberg News by Jrgen Strbele Online Features 2006, which contains more than 200 articles many of them still topical, and certainly not yet out-of-date, can still be accessed from the Home Page Index, and by popular request from many readers, our Ipex 2006 Newsroom has been reinstated to save you having to go to Search Archives under the appropriate year of publication. Graphic Repro On-line, 5 February 2007. WRH Marketing and Grafikontrol co-operate Grafikontrol appoints WRH Marketing UK as exclusive UK agency partner for the newspaper industry WRH Marketing UK Ltd has been appointed the exclusive UK and Ireland sales agent for the newspaper sector by Grafikontrol SpA, the Italian developer and producer of on-press register control, cut-off and closed loop density control systems. As a global leader in the commercial print and heatset newspaper sector, Grafikontrols high-performance systems allow operators to easily pilot very sophisticated equipment, controlling increasingly complex presses. The key benefit to newspaper printers is the automated, timely and efficient print run adjustment, resulting in consistent, optimal print quality at high-speed levels, whilst significantly reducing press downtime, print waste and labour intervention. Commenting on the partnership with Grafikontrol, Marcus Evans, managing director at WRH Marketing UK, said, As a second-generation, family-owned company, Grafikontrol has an undisputable reputation for delivering high-quality press control systems and has established extremely professional relationships with major newspaper printers worldwide. In the UK especially, there is a lot of interest in fully automated, flexible, closed-loop colour systems and this is where newspaper printers will particularly experience the advantages of Graifkontrols new technology. This is a very exciting appointment for us - combining Grafikontrols offering with our capabilities and expert knowledge of the market sector, provides customers with the strategic advantage and competitive edge needed in todays increasingly complex newspaper market. Employing over 100 staff, Grafikontrol offers an extensive support system, consisting of more than 30 highly-skilled engineers and enjoys access to most major printers and press manufacturers in the world. Grafikontrol already has its equipment installed at the following publications all over the world: The Independent and the Irish Times in Ireland, the Times of India, Il Corriere Della Sera and La Repubblica in Italy, and Shibsted Trykk in Norway. As we share the same customer-driven work ethos, the agreement is a natural fit for both Grafikontrol and WRH Marketing UK, said Paolo de Grandis, managing director at Grafikontrol. WRH Marketings knowledge of the UK newspaper market will provide the ideal platform to discuss our offerings with potential customers. Having working with other WRH Marketing subsidiaries, we are confident that the agreement will expand our efforts in providing customer-oriented solutions and actively respond to customer requests. Pictured above: Grafikontrols CR25 colour register control system, now available from WRH Marketing. Graphic Repro On-line, 5 February 2007. PrintIT - Canon confirms support again for 2007 Canon UK has confirmed its support in the second year of the PrintIT initiative in secondary schools Canon UK has confirmed its support in the second year of the PrintIT initiative, which is raising the profile of the graphic arts industry in schools across the country. As in the first year Canon is donating cash prizes and equipment, as Ben Milford, head of professional marketing, explained. Canon fully supports the idea behind PrintIT and the aim of getting young people, while they are still at school, to consider the graphic arts industry for a potential career, said Milford. As a key supplier to the market, Canon appreciates as much as anyone the need to attract bright young people to take the industry forward. Its fair to say that prior to the huge efforts behind PrintIT very few young people at school considered printing as a sector they might work in and those that did probably had images of an old and rather dirty industry. Explaining what a modern graphic arts industry is all about, which incorporates the latest in IT developments, has been one of the goals of PrintIT. I dont think there is anyone in the industry who does not believe PrintIT is a great idea and would not wish it success. Were delighted at Canon to be involved once more in supporting this initiative and have committed to providing the same level of funding as we did in the first year, including the provision of two of our latest imagePrograf A1 large-format printing devices, which will enable the winning schools to experience the latest in graphic arts technology. Martyn Elmy, director of sales and marketing at Russell-Webb and chairman of PrintIT. said, Without the support of leading suppliers such as Canon, the PrintIT initiative would have been no more than an idea. I am certain that the first year of the initiative started to create awareness amongst students of the opportunities available in the printing industry. There is a long way to go, but with the continued enthusiastic support from so many different players in the market we are confident that PrintIT will make a significant difference to the intake of bright and talented young people into the industry. Graphic Repro On-line, 5 February 2007. EFI reports fourth quarter 2006 results EFI has announced its preliminary fourth quarter and full year results for financial year 2006 For the quarter ended December 31, 2006, revenue was 153.9 compared to fourth quarter 2005 revenue of 145.4 million. For the year ended 31 December 2006, revenue was up 20.3 per cent to 563.7 million, compared to 468.5 million for the same period last year. Non-GAAP net income was 22.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to 23.1 million for the same period in 2005. Non-GAAP net income was 77.3 million for the year ended 31 December, 2006, compared to 56.7 million for the year ended 31 December, 2005. GAAP net income was 7.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to a net income of 11.4 million for the same period in 2005. GAAP net income was 3.7 million for the full year, compared to a net loss of 4.1 million for 2005. Non-GAAP net income is computed by adjusting GAAP net income by the impact of recurring amortisation of acquisition-related intangibles, stock-based compensation expenses, certain tax charges, as well as other non-recurring charges and gains. In Q4 we delivered revenue at the high-end of our range fuelled by 40 per cent year-over-year revenue growth in our inkjet product line, said Guy Gecht, CEO of EFI. Looking to 2007, after a seasonally down first quarter and despite the impact of product mix on our gross margins, we are expecting approximately 10 per cent revenue growth resulting in 15 20 per cent EPS growth for the full year. We are excited about EFIs ongoing transformation into a more balanced business, and look for our results to benefit from our strategy in 2007 and beyond. Outlook for first quarter 2007 For the first quarter of 2007, the company expects revenues in the range of 140 million to 143 million. For the full year 2007, the company expects revenue growth of approximately 10 per centand non-GAAP EPS growth of 15 to 20 per cent. For 2007, the company expects a non GAAP tax rate of 24 per cent. The full unedited anouncement can be found at: efi Graphic Repro On-line, 5 February 2007.

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