Wednesday 23 August 2017

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Forex Trading Strategies. Risk Disclaimer DailyForex não será responsabilizado por qualquer perda ou dano resultante da confiança nas informações contidas neste site, incluindo notícias de mercado, análises, sinais de negociação e revisões do corretor Forex Os dados contidos neste site não é necessariamente real - Tempo e precisão, e as análises são as opiniões do autor e não representam as recomendações do DailyForex ou seus funcionários Negociação de moeda na margem envolve alto risco e não é adequado para todos os investidores Como um produto alavancado perdas são capazes de exceder os depósitos iniciais e Capital está em risco Antes de decidir negociar Forex ou qualquer outro instrumento financeiro você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite pelo risco Nós trabalhamos duro para lhe oferecer informações valiosas sobre todos os corretores que analisamos Para fornecer Com este serviço gratuito que recebemos taxas de publicidade de corretores, incluindo alguns dos listados no nosso rankin Gs e nesta página Enquanto nós fazemos o nosso melhor para garantir que todos os nossos dados estão atualizados, nós encorajamos você a verificar as nossas informações diretamente com o corretor. Aviso de Risco DailyForex não será responsável por qualquer perda ou dano resultante de Análise de dados, análise de negociação e comentários de corretores de Forex Os dados contidos neste website não são necessariamente em tempo real nem precisos, e as análises são opiniões do autor e não representam as recomendações do DailyForex ou seus funcionários Troca de moeda na margem envolve alto risco e não é adequado para todos os investidores Como um produto alavancado perdas são capazes de exceder depósitos iniciais e capital está em risco Antes de decidir negociar Forex ou qualquer outro instrumento financeiro que você deve considerar cuidadosamente o seu Objectivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite pelo risco. Trabalhamos duro para lhe oferecer informações valiosas sobre todos os corretores que analisamos. Para lhe fornecer este serviço gratuito, recebemos taxas de publicidade de corretores, incluindo algumas das listadas em nosso ranking e nesta página. Enquanto fazemos o máximo para garantir que todos os nossos dados estejam atualizados, recomendamos que você verifique o nosso Diretamente com o corretor. DailyForex todos os direitos reservados 2006-2017.Online troca conservada em estoque em Cambodia. Despite espera que os gêmeos grandes criariam um buzz negociando renovado, seu preço conservado em estoque não superou sua estréia de 9.700 riel aproximadamente 2 42 A batida afetou a credibilidade de GTI, Entre outras questões estratégicas Online Stock Exchange Em Camboja Stock para o Camboja Desenvolvimento em paz, a segurança significa que a ordem será executada em qualquer que seja o preço de mercado é uma vez que chega à bolsa O desempenho das ações desde IPO reflete baixa investidor s confiança antes mesmo da greve, Disse que a empresa taiuanesa TY Fashion e o Porto Autônomo de Phnom Penh iniciaram o processo de auditoria de suas demonstrações financeiras em preparação para fazer um pedido formal de listagem no próximo ano, disse Lamun Soleil, vice-diretor de operações de marketing do Camboja Securities Exchange CSX Em julho, fabricante de roupas esportivas Grand Twins International tornou-se a segunda empresa a lançar na bou Rui, juntando-se à Autoridade de Abastecimento de Água de Phnom Penh Hei Bavy, diretor-geral do Porto Autônomo de Phnom Penh, disse que embora o porto estivesse esperando para listar, o período de tempo da CSX era muito ambicioso. Popular Cambodia Riel taxa de câmbio é a KHR para USD taxa A moeda corrente para Riels Online Stock Exchange Em Cambodia Como ganhar dinheiro em Google Adsens Securities and Exchange Comissão do Camboja Diretor de Valores Mobiliários e Comissão de Camboja tem dirigido funcionários para o 6 º Mekong Index Desempenho para o Vietnã Ho Chi Minh índice de ações Índice VN-índice ponderado de todas as empresas listadas na Bolsa de Valores de Ho Chi Minh City Camboja continua a saltar em linha reta para mais recente, melhor tecnologia Stock para o desenvolvimento do Camboja, a segurança significa que a ordem será executada Em qualquer que seja o preço de mercado é uma vez que atinge a troca Após greves na fábrica Grand Twins sobre as condições de pagamento e de trabalho Que terminou na semana passada, Vicheth Vannarath, diretor de banca de investimento da Cana Securities Ltd, disse que a perspectiva de outra lista de fabricantes de vestuário poderia ser pouco atraente para investors. Prakas em Investidores Qualificados no Setor de Valores Mobiliários A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários do Camboja gostaria de fazer uma Anúncio público que uma Consulta Pública sobre os rascunhos de PRAKAS sobre Licenciamento e Supervisão sobre Derivativo Trading em AM em 08 de janeiro de 2014 no Phnom Penh Hotel Online Stock Exchange Em Camboja O mercado de ações lançado em 2011, e com a quase definitiva primeira lista deste ano , Poupança bancária e investimento imobiliário vai progressivamente mudar para o capital Para Ganhar Dinheiro da França Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Cambiais do Camboja Diretor de Valores Mobiliários e Comissão Cambial do Camboja tem dirigido funcionários para a 6 ª Mekong Camboja Mudou muito atrasada metas de bolsa Julho anunciou que o país s Bolsa de valores é lançar no Camboja constrói bolsa Suizo En Ln Ea De Forex Trading em Repblica Dominicana Estoque para o Camboja Desenvolvimento em paz, segurança significando que a ordem será executada em qualquer que seja o preço de mercado é uma vez que chega à troca Anúncio para os candidatos que deve fazer um exame para reconhecimento de qualificação de 16 de fevereiro de 2012 H Quando terminam os documentos de divulgação, aguardam a sua solicitação de lista para ser aprovada, o que leva apenas cerca de um mês, disse Soleil disse que uma terceira empresa também estava planejando listar no próximo ano, mas disse que não poderia fornecer o nome de A empresa por razões de confidencialidade Ele disse que o porto estava no processo de mudar seu sistema de contabilidade, o que iria atrasar significativamente o processo de listagem Online Cambial Spinning Top Candlestick Padrões Forex Estamos nos preparando para listar, mas será mais provável levar três anos Para estar pronto, ele disse Online Stock Exchange Em Cambodia A Securities and Exchange Commission do Camboja gostaria de fazer um publiczar Que uma Consulta Pública sobre rascunhos de PRAKAS sobre Licenciamento e Supervisão sobre Negociação de Derivativos na AM em 08 de janeiro de 2014 no Hotel Phnom Penh Três Firmas para ingressar na Bolsa de Valores 2014, The Cambodia Daily Todos os direitos reservados Nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida Em versão impressa, electronicamente Demonstrações Financeiras e Informações sobre a Primeira Assembleia Geral de Accionistas da Autoridade de Abastecimento de Água de Phnom Penh Lista de Investidores bem sucedidos e fracassados ​​PPWSA s Orientação para a Criação de Livros e Subscrição de Valores Mobiliários Recebido pedido de acréscimo de avaliação Empresa e avaliador independente Prestação de serviços no sector dos valores mobiliários Pedido de recepção para acréscimo da firma de contabilidade profissional Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Cambiais do Camboja SECC Comunicado de imprensa sobre política de denominação de moeda na emissão e negociação de valores mobiliários no mercado de valores mobiliários cambojano De acordo com a decisão do Governo Prazo de recepção do pedido de registo Anúncio relativo à recepção de pedidos de consultores de investimento e de consultor de investimento Anúncio de Licença Anúncio relativo à suspensão das actividades de negociação de valores mobiliários e de corretagem de valores mobiliários no sector dos valores mobiliários da Sacombank Securities Cambodia Plc. A Bolsa de Valores do Camboja deverá crescer mais que o dobro nos próximos dois anos, com três empresas em processo de listagem no próximo ano, disse o porta-voz da bolsa na segunda-feira. Em troca, os investidores exigirão corretores Para comprar e vender Forex O quarto relatório trimestral do PPWSA em 2013 Pedido de renovação Acreditação do auditor no setor de valores mobiliários Solicitação de renovação Acreditação de Professional Accounting Company Fornecer serviços profissionais no setor de títulos e valores mobiliários O terceiro relatório trimestral e relatório financeiro para 2012 do PPWSAPPWSA S Financ Taxas de Câmbio Forex no Quirguizistão por Banco Estatal Podem escolher entre duas arenas um corretor tradicional de serviço completo ou um corretor de valores mobiliários, Um corretor on-line, um produto que floresceu-omed na década de 1990 e serve a maioria dos investidores do mundo hoje Um corretor de serviço completo executa ordens de comércio do cliente e oferece serviços adicionais, tais como pesquisa e aconselhamento sobre títulos, planejamento financeiro em questões como aposentadoria E poupança de educação e oportunidades para investir em ofertas públicas iniciais. Ayrex Review. Ayrex é um corretor de opção binária estabelecida em 2014 e operado pela Advanced Binary Technologies Ltd Sua sede está localizada em St Kitts e Nevis Ayrex aceita comerciantes de todo o mundo, mas Não serve aos comerciantes nos Estados Unidos, no Iraque, no Irã, na Coreia do Norte, na Síria e em vários outros países. Ne padrão conta no Ayrex eo investimento mínimo é de 5 USD EUR O máximo é 10000 USD EUR. Ayrex também oferece uma conta islâmica onde aqueles que seguem as leis Shariah pode negociar livre de taxas de juros, taxas escondidas ou sobretaxas ou rollovers Ayrex desenvolveu até mesmo um Custom halal plataforma específica para esta conta. Qualquer investidor muçulmano, se experientes ou apenas começando, pode abrir uma conta islâmica e beneficiar das mesmas características como comerciantes com outras contas. Talvez mais notavelmente, Ayrex é um dos poucos corretores de opções binárias que Oferece uma conta de demonstração para os comerciantes para praticar a sua negociação antes de negociar com dinheiro real Um benefício adicional da conta demo Ayrex s é que ele está disponível durante os fins de semana, quando os mercados tradicionais estão fechados Ayrex também oferece um concurso demo ultra-rápido chamado Binary Blast, Com o maior saldo no final da rodada de uma hora são concedidos prêmios em dinheiro O concurso é executado três vezes por semana com o vencedor top recebendo 100 Que pode ser retirado A participação não exige um depósito. Ayrex orgulha-se de ter uma das plataformas mais rápidas de negociação em torno, com 99 95 de comércios tendo lugar em menos de 28ms Outra característica agradável no Ayrex não muitas vezes encontrado com outros corretores de opções binárias é a sua Política de devolução. Qualquer cliente tem o direito de solicitar um retorno total ou parcial de fundos da Ayrex tal retorno está sujeito a revisão pela equipe de contabilidade, um processo que pode levar até 10 dias úteis a partir do dia da apresentação A política é aplicável a Fundos depositados pelo cliente only. Ayrex oferece aos seus clientes muitas possibilidades de negociação de opções binárias Além de oferecer uma ampla gama de pares de moedas para o comércio, no verão de 2016 o corretor aumentou suas ofertas, adicionando 35 ações à sua lista de ativos negociáveis Trading está disponível na plataforma web do corretor s e em seus aplicativos móveis Android e iOS. Existem vários tipos de opção cada um com seus próprios recursos e vantagens e estes podem b E adaptado às necessidades e preferências de cada trader. The opção High-Low é um tipo clássico de opções binárias e os mais populares Com esta opção, um comerciante tem a oportunidade de lucrar quando o preço de mercado aumenta ou cai Os comerciantes devem fazer um correto Previsão se um preço vai mais alto ou mais baixo que o da abertura. AYREX oferece um recurso de encerramento precoce para Alta Baixa Qualquer pessoa que deseje sair de um determinado comércio antes de seu tempo de expiração só precisa clicar no botão Fechar agora eo resultado atual é Adicionado ao saldo de sua conta. As Opções de Curto Prazo da Ayrex são baseadas em Alta Baixa, mas têm tempos de expiração mais baixos. Um dos benefícios desta opção é alta rentabilidade quando as apostas são altas. Isso geralmente ocorre quando o período de fortes flutuações do mercado, - term ganhos de negociação assume um significado especial. Ayrex oferece opções de 30 segundos, bem como 1, 2, 3 e 5 minutos opções O tempo de expiração desejado é selecionado clicando em uma das guias acima do Call and Put, mas A opção Touch No Touch é um tipo de opção onde o comerciante prevê se o preço de um ativo atinge ou não atinge o chamado preço-alvo que é definido antes do investimento ser feito. Se o preço for atingido eo preço-alvo for alcançado O comerciante tem maiores lucros. Há quatro opções possíveis para investir e em vez dos botões de chamada regulares e colocar há quatro botões Selecionar as abas Abaixo e Toque ao mesmo tempo é uma indicação de que o preço será Toque na linha abaixo do alvo Preço Se não toque é escolhido, isso significaria que o comerciante está prevendo que o preço não vai chegar à linha. O recurso de encerramento precoce está disponível aqui também Se um comerciante gosta do resultado atual ele pode clicar no botão Fechar agora e Os fundos serão creditados na conta de negociação. Existem algumas explicações textuais interessantes sobre opções binárias e como eles funcionam, o que é útil para novos comerciantes apenas começando na negociação de opções binárias O que você precisa Saber antes de começar a página oferece algumas dicas úteis sobre a compreensão de opções binárias e como trocá-los com sucesso. O glossário oferece explicações de conceitos comerciais essenciais e deve ser lido por todos os comerciantes antes de colocar seu primeiro trade. Many dos bits importantes de informação pode ser Encontrado na seção de FAQ que também fornece instruções sobre negociação, financiamento, registro e more. The relatórios de notícias em Ayrex são oportunas e ao ponto Seu calendário econômico mostra eventos futuros acontecendo em todo o mundo Ao contrário dos calendários postados por outros corretores que oferecem uma combinação A lista de Ayrex é dividida em colunas de hoje, amanhã, esta semana ea semana que vem que faz muito fácil de seguir Ayrex adicionou recentemente sinais negociando dentro de sua plataforma A partir da atualização desta revisão de AYREX, os sinais eram somente em Sua fase beta, mas eles certamente olhar promissor e pode servir como uma ótima maneira de ter uma vantagem extra durante o seu trading. At o tempo de t Sua revisão Ayrex ofereceu um bônus sem depósito de 30 que pode ser usado para o comércio e, esperamos, transformar em um 200 extraível Eles também ofereceram um bônus de depósito de 10, 20 30.Ayrex é extremamente orgulhoso de ser um dos únicos corretores de opções binárias Que oferece levantamentos automáticos sem comissões Pedidos são imediatamente processados ​​e validados com autenticação em duas etapas As retiradas automáticas podem ser processadas em qualquer dia da semana em qualquer fuso horário e eliminará o período de espera estressante que é tão comum com muitos outros corretores de opções binárias. Deposits para contas podem ser feitas usando transferências eletrônicas, cartões de crédito, Neteller, Skrill, e alguns outros programas de pagamento on-line Um depósito mínimo de apenas 5 é necessário para abri-lo Não há nenhuma taxa ou qualquer comissão sobre qualquer montante deposited. Customer apoio é Desde 24 5 e Ayrex uma promessa de uma resposta imediata a todas as chamadas ou consultas escritas foi direito sobre o botão quando eu enviei uma pergunta ao escritório principal do corretor e recebeu um e-mail re Resposta em minutos também está disponível durante o trabalho hours. Traders pode seguir Ayrex no Twitter e Facebook Ayrex acaba de acrescentar a possibilidade de os usuários do Google Plus para receber todas as principais atualizações e notícias financeiras mais importantes direita em seu stream. Ayrex é um inovador Binary Options broker Com clientes de todo o mundo Sua plataforma foi desenvolvida com base em uma pesquisa cuidadosa e experiência substancial da equipe Ayrex em mercados financeiros Oferece todos os recursos necessários por novatos e comerciantes experientes. Disclaimer DailyForex não será responsável por qualquer perda ou dano Resultantes da confiança nas informações contidas neste site, incluindo notícias de mercado, análises, sinais de negociação e revisões de corretores de Forex Os dados contidos neste site não é necessariamente em tempo real nem precisos, e as análises são opiniões do autor e não representam o Recomendações do DailyForex ou de seus funcionários A negociação de moeda na margem envolve alto risco e não é Capaz para todos os investidores Como um produto alavancado perdas são capazes de exceder depósitos iniciais e capital está em risco Antes de decidir negociar Forex ou qualquer outro instrumento financeiro você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite pelo risco Nós trabalhamos duro para oferecer Você informações valiosas sobre todos os corretores que analisamos Para fornecer este serviço gratuito, recebemos taxas de publicidade de corretores, incluindo alguns dos listados em nosso ranking e nesta página Enquanto fazemos o máximo para garantir que todos os nossos dados É atualizado, nós incentivamo-lo a verificar nossas informações com o corretor diretamente. Disclaimer do risco DailyForex não será responsabilizado para nenhuma perda ou dano resultante da confiança na informação contida neste Web site que inclui a notícia do mercado, a análise, negociando sinais E revisões do corretor do Forex Os dados contidos neste Web site não são necessariamente em tempo real nem exatos, e as análises são as opiniões do autor e d O não representam as recomendações do DailyForex ou seus funcionários Negociação de moeda na margem envolve alto risco e não é adequado para todos os investidores Como um produto alavancado perdas são capazes de exceder os depósitos iniciais eo capital está em risco Antes de decidir negociar Forex ou qualquer outro financeiro Instrumento que você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite de risco Nós trabalhamos duro para lhe oferecer informações valiosas sobre todos os corretores que analisamos Para fornecer este serviço gratuito, recebemos taxas de publicidade de corretores, incluindo alguns Daqueles listados em nossas classificações e nesta página Enquanto fazemos o nosso melhor para garantir que todos os nossos dados estão atualizados, recomendamos que você verifique nossas informações diretamente com o corretor. DailyForex todos os direitos reservados 2006-2017.Best opções binárias Brokers. Popular corretores para speakers. uTrader Inglês tem sido um dos principais fornecedores de serviços de negociação de opções binárias desde o seu lançamento em 2011 Ele oferece uma variedade de oportunidades para fazer negócios com ações, commodities , Ativos e moedas Desde o seu lançamento uTrader tornou-se uma força de liderança no mercado da Europa Oriental, oferecendo muitos serviços e apoio diferente de qualquer outro na região. Atualmente IQ Option é um dos provedores de opções binárias mais populares ea maior popularidade que tem no Oriente Países europeus Ele oferece abertura de conta com um depósito muito baixo 10 e uma elevada percentagem de IQ Option retirada até 92, mantendo um nível muito elevado de serviço qualificado A empresa foi estabelecida em Chipre em 2011 e regulamentada pela CySEC Up-to - Os princípios da data deste corretor binário atraem muitos negociantes modernos do pensamento. Opção é uma companhia baseada em Chipre É um dos corretores os maiores como eu T tem crescido imensamente desde que foi criada em 2010 24Option broker tem uma plataforma baseada na web 100 com quatro tipos de tipos de opções principais que estão disponíveis para os comerciantes 24Option oferece uma solução abrangente para negociação binária, com serviços de suporte multilíngüe exclusivo para atender às necessidades de Uma grande variedade de clientes de todo o mundo. HighLow difere dos corretores de descanso na indústria através de suas condições de negociação interessantes A marca Highlow é detida pela Highlow Markets Pty Ltd, que é regulada pela Australian Financial Services License AFSL 364264 De acordo com este último, O corretor tem de cumprir requisitos muito rigorosos na implementação de procedimentos financeiros internos relativos à contabilidade, treinamento de pessoal, gestão de risco, bem como auditorias HighLow corretor torna a negociação muito acessível, assim você pode começar a negociar apenas com 10.FinMax é um jovem corretor, que Iniciou suas operações no início de 2016 A administração da empresa consiste em analistas profissionais e Não só teve tempo para se familiarizar com o mercado de opções binárias, mas, literalmente, ficou em sua fonte participando de seu desenvolvimento Eles foram capazes de criar uma plataforma de negociação, em que eles levaram em conta os pontos fortes dos instrumentos financeiros e fraquezas fixas. É um corretor em circulação oferecendo uma abordagem completamente única para negociação binários ao contrário de nada que você viu on-line também é altamente regulamentado por MiFiD, MFSA e segurando uma licença da MGA e Isle of Man Gambling Supervisão Comissão, que prova a posição firme da empresa como um seguro E empresa de boa reputação. BDSwiss corretor é o corretor de desenvolvimento mais rápido da Alemanha e suas atividades são mais orientadas para os países da Europa Ocidental BDSwiss é uma marca registrada da BDSwiss Holding PLC BDSwiss Holding PLC é licenciado e autorizado pela CySEC Chipre Securities and Exchange Commission under A licença 199 13 Como a maioria dos outros corretores no campo de opções binárias, esta empresa é considerada uma das mais jovens Portanto, permanece apenas para se maravilhar com o ritmo de desenvolvimento da empresa eo crescimento da sua quota de mercado. Uma marca comercial da Nextrade Worldwide Ltd, que está localizado em Chipre Os clientes da empresa s são capazes de negociar opções em um estoque moderno Plataforma de comercialização aérea Esta corretora tem a licença internacional da CySec, que confere à autoridade de supervisão cipriota as actividades das empresas que operam nos mercados financeiros Oferece uma vasta gama de activos e instrumentos de negociação, por exemplo, como a KIKO Option. Opteck foi fundada Por uma equipe profissional de Centralspot Trading Ltd em 2011, que foram motivados na negociação de mercados financeiros Foi gerido por uma equipe de comerciantes que se especializaram em Forex e CFD Contrato de diferença Combinado com mais de 70 ativos, uma grande base de conhecimento e bate-papo on-line , Opteck fornece tudo para o comerciante precisa colocar comércio rápido e bem sucedido.365 Opção binária é uma empresa de corretagem da amostra moderna, que tem uma abordagem individual para cada cliente A empresa está empenhada na prestação bem sucedida de serviços como uma prioridade de suas atividades Para definir os seguintes objetivos, que são efetivamente implementadas na prática É propriedade da Fintech Software, Inc e está localizado em Londres, UK. OptionBit corretor tornou-se conhecido para o mundo devido à plataforma Tradelogic em 2010 A empresa está registrada em Chipre e é detida pela Global View Ltd, que presta serviços de comércio on-line todo o mundo Este produto de especialistas líderes de Forex e opções binárias permite que as pessoas De todo o mundo para ter acesso à plataforma de comércio integrado de alta qualidade, que consiste em ferramentas de negociação, centro educacional, o departamento de análise de serviços de mercado. eXbino é um bem conhecido agente estabelecido no mercado europeu e norte-americano É propriedade da Exclusive LTD e tem IBC regulamentação no 109205 Sendo uma empresa regulamentada, este provedor tem uma licença de CySEC no 216 13 Sua plataforma é fornecida em Inglês, russo, tcheco, árabe e alemão Ele também oferece assistência completa em polonês, que é muito extraordinário em Caso de corretores binários. SkyLine Mercados negociação oferece aos clientes acesso aos mercados de onde e quando eles querem o comércio, ea capacidade de negociar o pleno a Rray de ativos de pares de moedas para índices, commodities e stocks. UBOCapital orgulha-se de ser popular e user-friendly opção binária plataforma de negociação em todo o mundo Esta empresa projetou sua plataforma para iniciantes e profissionais Novato comerciantes serão, sem dúvida satisfeito com fácil de usar ferramentas E Os profissionais vão apreciar a velocidade de abertura do comércio, uma variedade de ferramentas de negociação, uma ampla gama de opções de opções período de tempo. TorOption plataforma de negociação acredita que com uma plataforma de negociação de alta qualidade e um grande serviço de apoio ao cliente, todos os comerciantes poderiam conseguir o que eles são Buscando de investimento em nenhum momento. Broker Binex é uma plataforma de negociação, que foi fundada em 2012 na Rússia, com sede s sede em Moscou Binex negociação binária foi a primeira empresa de corretagem que tem uma licença na Rússia, é regulada por FMRRC. HBC Broker login é um novo corretor de negociação on-line Com mais de 20 anos de experiência em gestão de ativos e negociação Forex em todo o mundo, este compan Y sabe tudo sobre o capital e criar lucros para seus clientes. AnyOption Payment Services Limited foi registrado em Chipre em 2008, e sua atividade é regulamentada pela Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission sob a licença 187 12 Esta empresa oferece plataforma de negociação web com variedade de ativos Para negociação, de ações para moedas AnyOption site é localizado em 7 línguas Inglês, alemão, italiano, francês, holandês, sueco e espanhol. BullBinary é um corretor de opções digitais e pertence à Spot Capital Markets Ltd que está registrado na licença CySEC n º 210 13 Ele garante a confiança do corretor s e segurança do dinheiro comerciantes Ele está sediada em Chipre. Prestige Option é um novo corretor binário que fornece uma plataforma de negociação que é perfeito para negociação binária e se encaixa todos os requisitos possíveis dos comerciantes A plataforma é projetada para profissionais e iniciantes Para que todos pudessem sentir ele próprio comfortable. BinaryTilt foi criada em 2013 e está localizado no 228 Queen Street, 4 º Andar, Auckland 1010, Nova Zelândia e é operado por Sumo Forex Limited número 5495972, que está registrado com Financial Services Provider, sob FSPR reg número FSP411486 A equipe de gestão da empresa tem conhecimento significativo e experiência adquirida nos mercados financeiros com um combinado BinaryTilt funcionários experiência de mais de 100 years. It didn t demorar muito tempo para a empresa Brokerz Binary, que está localizado em Chipre, para afirmar-se como uma das escolhas superiores em plataformas de negociação de opções digitais até à data Depois de abrir as suas portas em 2014, tem Rapidamente ganhou reputação tanto para os serviços de excelente cliente e líder da indústria pagamentos Empresa s abordagem única e personalizada para a negociação tornou-se verdadeiramente o seu pão e manteiga. Esta empresa de corretagem é actualmente o único fornecedor de tais instrumentos únicos de negociação de opções binárias como Digital, Range e Touch E com suas opções de extensão e fechamento você pode adaptar seus negócios abertos para situações atuais do mercado sem problemas em todos os. Binomo corretor está cooperando plenamente com os clientes em todo o mundo, resultando nas mais excitantes, lucrativas e exclusivas condições de negociação com retornos imbatíveis até 94 por comércio Transparência sendo uma parte integrante de suas operações você pode ter certeza de cotações de mercado atualizadas e facilidade De depósitos e retiradas Isso permite um alto grau de confiança e reafirma seu clima de investimento positivo. PWRtrade é um relativamente novo corretor de opções digitais, operado e de propriedade da GN Capital Ltd desde 2015 Este recém-chegado usa SpotOption plataforma projetada, que já se tornou conhecida e Popular em todo o mundo Tendo em conta as necessidades dos comerciantes e conforto, este corretor também fornece uma plataforma de aplicativos móveis, para que você possa negociar ou usá-lo para seus outros fins em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento através de seu iPhone ou Android devices.365Trading é uma empresa comercial binária que Foi criada em 2012 e com sede na Espanha No início, serviu mercados internos, mas recentemente abriu para usuários de língua inglesa Ele Fornece plataforma de negociação baseada na web que é fácil de acessar e usar e também tem muitos features. FTrade avançado é uma das novas empresas de corretagem no mercado sendo fundada apenas em 2014 Mas já está entre as principais empresas inovadoras lá fora, principalmente graças A sua abordagem avançada para a plataforma de negociação de opções binárias on-line e recursos de segurança exclusivos que atraem os clientes e fornecem-lhes fácil de entender negociação e paz de espírito. A corretora RBoptions, com sede em Toronto, foi encontrada em 2012, que Foi o momento de ganhar mais de uma visão e oportunidade de educar-se completamente sobre o que deu errado ou não funcionou bem para seus predecessores, certificando-se de que não aconteceu com a empresa A empresa oferece uma plataforma com altos pagamentos, bônus, características inovadoras , Variedade de ativos, opções, sinais livres para seus clientes, bem como o profissional 24 7 apoio ao usuário. Porter Finance é uma das novas empresas de corretagem de opções binárias que oferece aos seus clientes até 83 retorno em binários regulares e até 1500 em opções digitais especiais Oferece uma curva de aprendizagem única através de seu sistema educacional especial A empresa foi lançada em 2014 e orgulha-se em oferecer excelentes condições de negociação, bem como uma garantia completa de segurança de fundos Maximizar a satisfação do cliente Seu escritório principal está localizado em Londres, Reino Unido com base internacional de atendimento ao cliente que fornece assistência aos investidores worldwide. TitanTrade é uma plataforma internacional profissional para negociação de opções digitais A empresa ganhou uma reputação no mercado financeiro desde 2013 devido a um novo Abordagem para o financiamento do comércio, desenvolvido pela combinação de profissionais financeiros no UK. OptionRally é uma corretora privada todo o mundo com o seu escritório principal nas Ilhas Virgens Britânicas Executado por uma equipe profissional na indústria de negociação de opções binárias, a opção Rally Team mostra que Eles têm grande experiência em negociação financeira, gerenciamento de risco e regulatory. OptionStars login Fornece as melhores condições de negociação disponíveis através de um grande sistema de navegação do mercado, que garante que os comerciantes têm o melhor caminho para uma negociação segura e rentável com o mais alto grau de proteção. A empresa é uma subsidiária da Lionsman Capital Markets Ltd, uma empresa de investimento Localizada em Chipre e regulada pela CySEC ea MiFID Broker oferece os seus serviços a todos os comerciantes em todo o mundo, com excepção dos EUA e Canadá. Com a sua plataforma de negociação avançada, a empresa oferece soluções de primeira classe, transparente e eficaz para trading. PluStocks digital é um muito Jovens, mas ao mesmo tempo perspectiva e rápido desenvolvimento europeu PluStocks opções binárias impressionar sua variedade Este broker tem irrompem no mercado em 2014 e hoje em dia é uma das empresas mais inovadoras no mercado europeu de opções digitais PluStocks usa uma plataforma de negociação Baseado na tecnologia SpotOption, que apareceu em 2009 e agora é um dos melhores e seguros provedores de plataforma de manuseio Para opções digitais trading. Trading opções binárias com uma empresa de corretagem especializada é um prazer verdadeiramente rentável ETX Capital dá aos seus clientes uma possibilidade inigualável para investir em mais de 50 pares de moedas diferentes, dezenas de commodities e índices e centenas de ativos Broker oferece alta margem comercial favorecendo Pequenos spreads e altos retornos E, fornecendo várias plataformas de negociação, tanto móveis e desktop, bem como on-line, parece que esta empresa tem todas as opções para atender qualquer tipo de investidor. EZTrader começou a servir seus usuários no campo de negociação binária Em 2008 A empresa é gerida por Govant Bulding, Kumul Highway, Shefa Vanuatu Este provedor foi a primeira empresa a lançar uma plataforma de negociação on-line para opções digitais e tem estado no topo desde então Ao contrário de muitos outros corretores EZTrader desenvolveu o seu próprio Line, que fornece uma das melhores soluções para a facilidade de operações diárias. Opção Ivory é registrado em Londres eo corretor Que oferece condições transparentes para o investimento rentável e uma maneira fácil de negociação de opções A plataforma de negociação é feita inteiramente na web, o que significa que você não precisa fazer o download de software adicional e pode negociar em qualquer lugar do mundo onde há um telefone celular ou Tablet Fornece mais de 100 tipos de ativos para o comércio com o período de validade de 60 segundos para meio ano, e tudo isso está disponível para clientes de mais de 70 countries. OptionFair empresa é uma subsidiária da BI Trade Financials, fundada em 2013 e localizado in Nicosia, Cyprus Broker is regulated by CySEC, which confirms the reliability of its services in the field of binary trading Despite the short period of sojourn on the market, OptionFair considered to be a grandee among brokers of financial services. UK Options differs form the rest digital options brokers by offering customers high bonus on deposit, as well as a professional support team, which will help everyone with answers on their que stions or problems This broker is still not regulated, but it shows itself as a very reliable brokerage company It is popular among traders and among other brokers due to its great services, secure and safe funds transactions. CWOption is one of the few brokers whose headquarters are not in the off-shore, but in the European financial capital - in London This fact is an indicator of impeccable reputation and financial condition of this company, and that this provider deserves to be on a par with the best brokers. Dragon Options is a known online digital options trading system, a product of Dragon Service Ltd, which has appeared in 2010, in cooperation with SportOptions This company aims to provide professional services to traders of all levels, from beginners and ending with experts Offering a huge range of assets including many commodities, stocks, indices and currency pairs, the broker provides to its customers a unique opportunity to capitalize on market knowledge and ability to analy ze it. GOptions binary options broker gives special importance to customers service, simplicity and security of trade and a high level of safety equipment Broker offers over 200 assets, trading tools, big payouts GOptions headquarters, as well as its Billing Agent and Clearing Services, are located in Bulgaria For the first time the company entered the market in 2009 GOption broker allows you to use a variety of tools for working with deals and offers a lot of assets. The company is a well-known broker, primarily, because of its solidity and reliability It is officially registered in Malta and is one of the first providers on the binary options market This company pays much attention to newcomers that s why a special trading academy was created on its website in order to provide educational information for beginners and professionals alike. OX Markets is a dedicated binary option broker with advanced trading options and state-of-the-art online trading platform It is one of the select comp anies, which are regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and Markets in Financial Instruments Directive with multilingual 24 5 support Funds are properly held in segregated accounts and OXMarkets withdrawal, in comparison with competitors, are secure and fast. EmpireOption is a part of Lubona Enterprise Ltd established in Spring 2010 With the headquarters in British Virgin Islands this online trading platform provides their clients with wide range of financial assets EmpireOption is considered to be one of the most popular binary options broker in Latin America it is regulated by the law 15 921 in Uruguay. BK Trading is one of the top providers in the sphere of binary options trading As binaries become more and more popular, BK Trading came out on top of the game as a secure, multi-task, user-friendly platform for new and advanced investors Company s services can be used by individuals and institutional investors from all over the globe And with pricing levels among the be st, together with most up-to-date technologies, profiting with the help of this broker is as easy as ever. ScalaTrade binary trading platform is a convenient and reliable place for trading on currency, stock and commodity markets, which provides a wide range of possibilities Scalatrade broker offers all traders to check out advantages of the its LiveTrader updated platform Taking into account the social commerce, there are a wide range of trading instruments of more than 70 assets, trading on the weekends, safety net and this is an incomplete list of this platform advantages. Verum Option is a relatively new company, regulated by Financial Market Relations Regulation Center and is situated in Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown, St Vincent and The Grenadines This company offers its customers a wide range of trading instruments more than two hundred marketable assets and various digital options types , convenient trading platform, high-quality customer support, available and favorable cond itions for easy and profitable trading. GTOptions is an international trading binary platform, which was founded in 2011 by leading experts in Cyprus banking and financial spheres as well as the market experts Broker gives traders an ability to trade currency pairs, commodities, indices and shares, having for that the best conditions. Imperial Options is a BVI-based trading service that has quickly emerged as the world-wide leader in the fast-growing market of options trading Powered by the popular SpotOption platform, this company provides a seamless trading experience in terms of features, educational resources, tools and security This company focuses on the end-user experience, it has grown in popularity among private entrepreneurs and capital investment organizations Over the past year the company has enlarged its operations and presence into five continents to serve regional clients in their native language. Winoptions is a world famous company, operating in the market of digital opt ions At the moment the site is available in English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic and Turkish This brokerage company allocates complete absence of hidden commissions and spreads, as well as some of the highest returns on the trading instruments Also it offers WinOptions bonus for new customers. Grand Option is a new brand in the field of binary options, which is owned by the company Rodeler Ltd, the same company that owns the famous 24Option The activities of the broker are regulated by CySEC Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission , therefore, all the services in the European Union are provided under the license 207 13 Grand Option offers more than 100 assets for trading, including commodities, stocks, indices and, of course, Forex. MyOption is one of the leading brokerage companies in the world providing prime services in binary options investing It is suitable for both beginner and advanced financial investors, as it is providing a transparent, fair and easy-to - use environment to increase profit margins Being founded in 2013 in the UK and employing a cutting-edge TradeSmarter platform and SSL Security Certified Technology this firm is a secure place to do business Please, have a look at the Client Testimonials page to get the feel of what people thing of MyOption and decide for yourself. UCapital offers traders a fully access to the markets through its magnificent platform beside the ability to trade binaries on a full bunch of assets from currency pairs to indices, commodities and stocks. TR Binary Options company is one of the leading Western European brokerage providers that specializes in services for binary options trading This broker was founded in 2011 and almost immediately conquered the Western traders market with its comfortable and fast platform that allows you to trade variety of currencies, commodities, stocks and indices. uBinary is one of the most user-friendly binary options brokerage companies available to the general public on the Internet Since 2011 it has been leading the industry with unique simple principals individual customer service support to all clients, disregarding the investment amount and trading experience top-notch security and fast money transfers placing clients wants and needs as a top priority. ZoneOptions binary options broker is fairly well-known trading platform in digital options market, which is owned by a Cyprus Investment Firm, Spot Capital Markets Limited This company is under the regulation of CySEC 210 13 The broker has the leading experts with sufficient experience in this field in its state, providing a high level of support at all stages of trade Its platform performs over 200 assets for trading across 20 countries. Boss Capital is founded in 2014 and the company primary aim is to provide traders with enjoyable and profitable trading experience as well as with the latest technology in binary options The broker has experienced professionals with backgrounds in forex trading, deri vatives, risk management, payment processing, international laws and legislation. Markets Trading was founded just recently in early 2015 with a vision to innovate and to provide endless technical trading capabilities to its customers Company s primary goal is to deliver advanced trading solutions It specializes in tailor-made financial plans that are supposed to provide a strong foundation to new binary options traders and experienced ones as well. Magnum Options motto is focusing on who really matters, its traders Binary options trading with this brokerage company, located in the UK, is nothing but pleasurable, as its primary goal is provision of the most user-friendly trading experience in the market, while investors achieve the maximum profitability. TopOption is an ownership of Leadtrade Ltd, which is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, license number 296 16 Office Address Treppides Tower, 5th Floor, 9 Kafkasou Street, 2112 Nicosia, Cyprus Leadt rade Ltd is very popular among Forex brokers and digital options, which is why there should not be question about safety and reliability of TopOption Eye-catching web design and simple interface of the trading platform attracts more and more traders from all over the world. Redwood Options is a well-established broker on the market It was founded in 2013 and was headquartered in the financial capital of the world - in London The company has a great potential to become one of the leaders in its field Redwood Options provides a convenient and easy to use online trading platform that does not require any additional downloads. Despite the fact that 10Trade appeared on the market relatively not long ago, in 2014, it had received an increasing interest and attention of traders worldwide It has gained its popularity by a number of reasons Along with innovative tools, the platform has a compact and easy-to-use interface, which provides a high level of performance 10trade is quite new, licensed b y CySEC No 248 14 , and outstanding platform for trading binary options It tends to perform affordable and secure trading process, making it attractive for both beginners and experienced traders Their simplified interface makes trading attractive with their wide range of options and tools. While Tradorax has just started its activities in 2013, it has quickly established itself as a reliable broker for both experienced and fresh traders It uses TechFinancials platform that is the preferable choice for a lot of traders because of its proximity and simplicity. The company Leading Capital Markets Ltd owns and operates OptionsClick trading platform, and provides services in the areas of trade binary options Its office is located in Cyprus and is under the regulation of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission license No 227 14 and MiFID OptionsClick provides traders with an extensive set of instruments to predict price movement and earn up to 89 on every single trade Its motto is One Cl ick Trade , so you can be sure that the dealing process is quite plain and effortless. TradEqual broker is a new and outstanding type of digital options platform TradEqual was established in 2014 by the hands of experienced traders in the financial market, it provides users with the next higher level of trading Given the fact that nowadays brokers own too much power over the users and make different demands on the trade that not all people can execute, the creators of the platform have decided to develop something more independent, where people can write, sell or buy options between each other in a real time. Banc De Binary is considered to be one of the most well-known and reliable binary options brokers It was founded at the beginning of 2009 and since then this broker had being providing only the most profitable and easiest financial services to investors The number of account holders exceeds 250 thousands worldwide Nowadays, Banc de Binary provides the best solutions for trading on i ts safe online platform and is known as World Finance Company with multi awards. EveryOption provides you with all the necessary tools to become a professional binary options trader It was launched by a group of on-line and trading specialists pioneering in top-of-the-line service and binary innovations The firm is operating under brand-name Rich Ventures Ltd I B C in Belize, Central America with customer service division in London, UK. This brand new broker started its business in late 2015 and already gained a massive following of new and leisure traders It s free to use, as well as secure to trade and to transfer your money It does not offer any kind of government regulation just yet, but for casual investors with relaxed attitude TropicalTrade might be a hit with its pleasant looking trading platform and friendly customer support. Nowadays, CherryTrade is one of the top binary options brokers that proposes high payouts, which are up to 81 It offers not only generous outcomes, but also a fully web based platform without extra software downloads for convenient trading throughout the world Trading process with CherryTrade broker is very simple, so any past involvement in trading is not required Lots of educational materials are offered to speed up the process of studying. WeOption is a new brand of World Trading House Ltd, which is registered in the United Kingdom This is a professional team with extensive experience, providing a wide range of services in the field of investments WeOption gives an opportunity to get a first-class experience and offers all the necessary tools and knowledge for traders of different levels This broker proudly presents the best platform with cutting-edge trading technology, including a unique type of option - OptionX with payouts up to 310.OptionYard has been one of the major players in the binary options trading market for a while, until its merger with Banc De Binary, which provides for even higher level of trading experience and securit y of funds In this review we will go over all the perks OptionYard had to offer its clients. OnlyOption is a platform for skilled and experienced binary options traders It was one of the very first brokerage companies to receive full Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission s CySEC certification in the EU market and presently it is also subject to limited regulation by the FCA to ensure that it follows every regulation, so that its traders funds are secure and private This broker is operated by Safecap Investments, whose reputation is remarkable and completely unblemished. P-Options is a new options brokerage with regulation by CySEC Very few of start-up companies focus on proper licensing and for this reason investing with them may be tricky as there are very few reviews and opinions about them P-Options broker is also focusing on high profitability for traders with up to 91 on regular High Low investments. Lionstone, the British binary options broker, became the first company that in 2 010 introduced binary options trading for customers in Russia and CIS Commonwealth of Independent States In 2013 Lionstone updated the service and started to present binary options on Binarystation platform In 2014 this platform got the certificate of international independent dispute resolution organization The Financial Commission, who deals with providing 3d party judgement in solve disputes in binary options industry. BNRY with its head office in Nicosia is a hyper modern binary options broker providing traders with a state-of-the-art experiences on their web-based platform It offers an unparalleled, intuitive and easy-to-look way to use your trading skills And with a team of highly professional staff you will be walked through every single step from opening an account to withdrawing your profits It offers trading on Apple Watch, Iphone, Ipad and Android devices, which is unique compared to any other broker on the market. No1options broker is a brand of SHOF Marketing LTD, which star ted its operations back in 2012, quickly gaining a lot of popularity due to the excellent terms of trade, light and easy to understand online trading platform, an excellent set of training materials and additional functions for even more confident predictions of assets price movements By the way, No1options is one of the few brokers that offers compensation in case of unsuccessful trading in the amount of 10.Atlas Options broker is a new digital options provider that offers a unique trading platform, as well as the ability to trade using any mobile device The company provides personalized tools for investment, payouts up to 81 on usual transactions and up to 180 in trading digital options, as well as a great bonus for a confident start This company is located in London, UK, and supports several languages through its customer support team. DMM Option is licensed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ASIC , who is the independent Australian government body which administ ers and enforces various laws as Australia s corporate, markets and financial services regulator. Interactive Option is one of the leading and the safest brokers that are available for a wide audience It was founded in 2012 and led by Pegase Capital Limited, whose main office is located in Limassol, digital options broker offers an extensive variety of assets that is ranging from stocks and commodities to indices and currencies Trading can be done during market hours, and trades can be closed even on weekends with profits ranging up to 1000.OptionTime is an innovative and secure binary options broker that operates according to the EU regulatory norms and provides trading solutions for traders of all levels It is CySEC, MiFiD and FCA certified and operates under their control with the a no trust no trade principle, meaning that trusting you broker is of utmost importance. GET Binary is a well-established company specializing in trading on financial markets with its head-office in London, the UK In 2006 GET Binary joined the Glandore Trading Limited from Ireland to create one of the largest firms in binary options trading industry in the world. BMBoption is a digital options broker whose business model is based on the success of its customers, so it is always glad to see new traders The company provides everything necessary to achieve excellent results in trades and that is designed for you personally plan for enrichment, paying up to 88 and up to 100 deposit bonus. Cedar Finance, a company who operates out of Cyprus, is owned by The Best Strategy Financial Ltd It provides high payout stats for its customers in successful trades, with a minimum of 70 from the initial investment, and in special type of options called High Yield Touch options, payouts of up to 500 of initial investments. StartOptions is a leading trading brokerage offering a user-friendly online platform with easy to trade features for everyone The site has quite a comfortable interface and traders do not ha ve to download anything to use it. Option Smarter is a new brand name to SMARTER FX, the company specializing in trading binary options and Forex since 2007 Similar to many other brokerages, OptionSmarter is based in Cyprus Option Smarter is managed by an expert team with huge experience in the trading sphere and specialize in binary options trading. Having TraderXP as a broker, is an excellent way to enter the world of online trading Their site provides traders with all of the tools they need to trade binary options with confidence With its platform being the first choice for many traders who are seeking a simple, fast and user-friendly way to trade online, TraderXP plays a significant role in the binary options industry. NRGbinary trading platform was created in 2012 in London, UK Not so long ago this broker aimed its services only at countries of Western Europe, but more recently this broker has extended services to Eastern Europe and other parts of the world. As a market maker, LBinary has got into business since 2013 Company headquartered in Gibraltar but they have offices in many other countries The brokerage operates in conjunction with SpotOption, who is a CYSEC license holder, in Cyprus LBinary was established by a group of investors who brought their own trading experiences together with market knowledge. Best List binary options. Are you looking for the best binary options brokers With our years of experience in trading, we offer our members many benefits including the best list of binary options brokers Our best list of binary of options includes brokers from around the world, including Asia Trading has never been easier when you have the best list of binary options brokers Become a member today and learn how you can get access to this extremely useful information. Best binary options reviews. Want to have access to the best binary options reviews in the market The best binary options reviews offers tips and advise from experienced traders who can help you know the do s and don ts before you trade With our large members base that include career level traders to new traders, our site is the first to receive binary options reviews about information sources that feed the markets daily This includes information about brokers, tips about a hot trend, and much more Our experienced team scans through all binary options reviews to offer all of our members the best binary options reviews available in the industry. Best binary options trading. Get the best in binary options trading when you join Chief Our proven road map to success is used by traders around the globe Our trading simulator, and calculator is designed to help newcomers develop skills that the best binary options trading pros have Our team offers new members 1 FREE personal trading analysis to make sure that you re on the right track All of this is packaged up and offered through to give you the best binary options trading experience available today. Top binary options brokers. The question t hat everyone wants the answer to is, what are the top binary options brokers When you know the top binary options brokers, trading then becomes easy because you can then make a partner in your trading that will help your profits grow, and support you along your new venture A binary options broker serves so many purposes like offering the right assets, and giving you the information you need before making your trades With everything a broker does, it s no question that people want to know who the best binary options brokers are This is where we can give you an edge Chief not only has had experience with the majority of binary-option brokers out there, we also have relationships with the few that offer the best service When you join us, this is one of the many benefits you receive. Binary-options are becoming more and more popular everyday because of their simplicity, and their ability to allow traders to earn high fixed rates of return with investments that have very short term periods. S o how does it all work. Similar to other forms of trading, binary-option offer options for assets in many of the same categories like the Dow Jones Industrial Average and other indices, currencies like the Euro Dollar, gold and other commodities, and FOREX exchange. Quite simply, all an investor has to do is predict whether the price of an asset is going to go up or down After doing so, he or she can then choose to buy an option according to that prediction If he or she thinks the price of an asset is going to go up, he or she would buy a Call Option If he or she thinks the price of an asset is going to go down, he or she would buy a Put Option Every option has an expiry time in its contract in which a Call or Put price movement must be within Expiry times are normally 1 day or less. Hypothetically speaking, if you knew the price of coffee was going to go up tomorrow, you could by a Call Option for coffee with an expiry time that fits your prediction If your prediction is correct, you wou ld make a pretty nice size profit according to the form of compensation specific to your option Binary-options offer two forms of compensation 1 based on a predetermined percentage, or 2 based on a fixed amount. However, in the same way an investor can make relatively large profits for correct predictions, wrong predictions can results in little to nothing remaining for the option purchased All details pertaining to amounts for wrong predictions are outlined in an options contract Making correct predictions is the only way to successfully trade binary options, and can only be done through proper research and analysis of assets Making multiple wrong predictions can be devastating and can cause large losses in capital. Knowing every detail of trading binary options including how to properly research an asset, and how to choose a good broker specific to binary-options, is the determining factor between successful binary-option-traders, and everyone else. Welcome to Chief, the site run by pro fessional traders designed to give you all of the information you need to successfully trade binary-option Whether your profession is trading, or you re new to trading and are ready to make the market start working for you everyone can gain from years of experienced, compiled into easy to learn tips, useful training courses, and breaking news updates. Want to learn how to successfully trade binary-options Chief will teach you everything you need to know in simple easy-to-understand methods, consisting of everything a person will need to trade at an expert level After completing our courses, our tips section will give you ground-breaking trade tips that will give you an edge in your trading activity Top it off with our market news articles including what assets we think are going to have major movement in the days ahead, and see why so many traders make us their partners daily. Chief has established itself as the leading binary-option brokerage reviewing and rating source, providing the b est and most accurate reviews available for the industry today Our hub is full of useful information including the top brokers, latest trading tips, news updates, and much more. One of the biggest advantages we offer through our site is our large bonus offerings which cannot be found anywhere else on the web today Our relationships with brokers allows us to offer traders bonuses that with larger payout percentages, new account perks of many kind, end of the month and end of the year bonuses, just to name a few. If you re a new trader, we encourage you to browse the net for specials, and come back to us to compare Find the best brokers in the industry today, and get the most for your trades Browse below to see our best bonus offers currently running, and stay tuned for more. TOP CHIEF BINARY OPTIONS. How to Make Money on Binary Options Trading in Ukraine. What is a Binary Option and How Do You Make Money. A binary option is a fast and extremely simple financial product which allows investors to bet on whether the price of an asset will go up or down in the future, for example the stock price of Google, the USD GBP exchange rate, or the price of gold The time span can be as little as 60 seconds, making it possible to trade hundreds of times per day. Before you place a trade you know exactly how much you stand to gain if your prediction is correct, usually 70-95 if you bet 100 you will receive 170 195 on a successful trade This makes risk management and trading decisions much more simple The outcome is always a Yes or No answer you either win it all or you lose it all hence it being a binary option. To get started trading you first need a broker account Pick one from the recommended brokers list where only brokers that have shown themselves to be trustworthy are included The top broker has been selected as the best choice for most traders. If you are completely new to binary options you can open a demo account with most brokers, to try out their platform and see what it s like to trade before you deposit real money. Introduction Video How to Trade Binary Options. These videos will introduce you to the concept of binary options and how trading works If you want to know even more details, please read this whole page and follow the links to all the more in-depth articles Binary trading does not have to be complicated, but as with any topic you can educate yourself to be an expert and perfect your skills. Option Types. The most common type of binary option is the simple Up Down trade There are however, different types of option The one common factor, is that the outcome will have a binary result Yes or No Here are some of the types available. Up Down or High Low The basic and most common binary option Will a price finish higher or lower than the current price a the time of expiry. In Out, Range or Boundary This option sets a high figure and low figure Traders predict whether the price will finish within, or outside, of these levels or boundaries. Touch No Touch These h ave set levels, higher or lower than the current price The trader has to predict whether the actual price will touch those levels at any point between the time of the trade an expiry Note with a touch option, that the trade can close before the expiry time if the price level is touched before the option expires, then the Touch option will payout immediately, regardless of whether the price moves away from the touch level afterwards. Ladder These options behave like a normal Up Down trade, but rather than using the current strike price, the ladder will have preset price levels laddered progressively up or can often be some way from the current strike these options generally need a significant price move, payouts will often go beyond 100 but both sides of the trade may not be available. How to Trade Step by Step Guide. Below is a step by step guide to placing a binary trade. Choose a broker Use our broker reviews and comparison tools to find the best binary trading site for you. Select the as set or market to trade Assets lists are huge, and cover Commodities, Stocks, Forex or Indices The price of oil, or the Apple stock price, for example. Select the expiry time Options can expire anywhere between 30 seconds up to a year. Set the size of the trade Remember 100 of the investment is at risk. Click Call Put or Buy Sell Will the asset value rise or fall Some broker label buttons differently. Check and confirm the trade Many brokers give traders a chance to ensure the details are correct before confirming the trade. Choose a Broker. No trader will be more successful than his or her broker is honest Trading in binary options is still not regulated well enough to be considered an established investment alternative, and so there are plenty of dishonest operators trying to take advantage of naive traders. Note Don t EVER trade with a broker or use a service that s on our blacklist and scams page stick with the ones we recommend here on the site Here are some shortcuts to pages that can he lp you determine which broker is right for youpare all brokers if you want to compare the features and offers of all recommended brokers. Bonuses and Offers if you want to make sure you get extra money to trade with, or other promotions and offers. Low minimum deposit brokers if you want to trade for real without having to deposit large sums of money. Demo Accounts if you want to try a trading platform for real without depositing money at all. Halal Brokers if you are one of the growing number of Muslim traders. Asset Lists. The number and diversity of assets you can trade varies from broker to broker Most brokers provide options on popular assets such as major forex pairs including the EUR USD, USD JPY and GBP USD, as well as major stock indices such as the FTSE, S P 500 or Dow Jones Industrial Commodities including gold, silver, oil are also generally offered. Individual stocks and equities are also tradable through many binary brokers Not every stock will be available though, but generally you can choose from about 25 to 100 popular stocks, such as Google and Apple These lists are growing all the time as demand dictates. The asset lists are always listed clearly on every trading platform, and most brokers make their full asset lists available on their website Full asset list information is also available within our reviews. Expiry Times. The expiry time is the point at which a trade is closed and settled The only exception is where a Touch option has hit a preset level prior to expiry The expiry for any given trade can range from 30 seconds, up to a year While binaries initially started with very short expiries, demand has ensured there is now a broad range of expiry times available Some brokers even give traders the flexibility to set their own specific expiry time. Expiries are generally grouped into three categories. Short Term Turbo These are normally classed as any expiry under 5 minutes. Normal These would range from 5 minutes, up to end of day expiries which expire whe n the local market for that asset closes. Long term Any expiry beyond the end of the day would be considered long term The longest expiry might be 12 months. While slow to react to binary options initially, regulators around the world are now starting to regulate the industry and make their presence felt The major regulators currently include. Financial Conduct Authority FCA UK regulator. Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySec Cyprus Regulator, often passported throughout the EU, under MiFIDmodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC US regulator. There are also regulators operating in Malta and the Isle of Man Many other authorities are now taking a keen a interest in binaries specifically, notably in Europe where domestic regulators are keen to bolster the CySec regulation. Unregulated brokers still operate, and while some are trustworthy, a lack of regulation is a clear warning sign for potential new customers. Strategies and Guides. We have a lot of detailed guides and strategy article s for both general education and specialized trading techniques Below are a few to get you started if you want to learn the basic before you start trading You can find plenty more on the strategy page. Signals and Other Services. For further reading on signals and reviews of different services go to the signals page. Beginners Guides. If you are totally new to the trading scene then watch this great video by Professor Shiller of Yale University who introduces the main ideas of options. Education for beginners. Types of Trades. How to Set Up a Trade. The ability to trade the different types of binary options can be achieved by understanding certain concepts such as strike price or price barrier, and expiration date All trades have dates at which they expire. When the trade expires, the behaviour of the price action according to the type selected will determine if it s in profit in the money or in a loss position out-of-the-money In addition, the price targets are key levels that the trader sets as benchmarks to determine outcomes We will see the application of price targets when we explain the different types. There are three types of trades Each of these has different variations These are. Let us take them one after the other. Also called the Up Down binary trade, the essence is to predict if the market price of the asset will end up higher or lower than the strike price the selected target price before the expiration If the trader expects the price to go up the Up or High trade , he purchases a call option If he expects the price to head downwards Low or Down , he purchases a put option Expiry times can be as low as 5 minutes. Please note some brokers classify Up Down as a different types, where a trader purchases a call option if he expects the price to rise beyond the current price, or purchases a put option if he expects the price to fall below current prices You may see this as a Rise Fall type on some trading platforms. The In Out type, also called the tunnel trade or the b oundary trade , is used to trade price consolidations in and breakouts out How does it work First, the trader sets two price targets to form a price range He then purchases an option to predict if the price will stay within the price range tunnel until expiration In or if the price will breakout of the price range in either direction Out. The best way to use the tunnel binaries is to use the pivot points of the asset If you are familiar with pivot points in forex, then you should be able to trade this type. Touch No Touch. This type is predicated on the price action touching a price barrier or not A Touch option is a type where the trader purchases a contract that will deliver profit if the market price of the asset purchased touches the set target price at least once before expiry If the price action does not touch the price target the strike price before expiry, the trade will end up as a loss. A No Touch is the exact opposite of the Touch Here you are betting on the price action of the underlying asset not touching the strike price before the expiration. There are variations of this type where we have the Double Touch and Double No Touch Here the trader can set two price targets and purchase a contract that bets on the price touching both targets before expiration Double Touch or not touching both targets before expiration Double No Touch Normally you would only employ the Double Touch trade when there is intense market volatility and prices are expected to take out several price levels. Some brokers offer all three types, while others offer two, and there are those that offer only one variety In addition, some brokers also put restrictions on how expiration dates are set In order to get the best of the different types, traders are advised to shop around for brokers who will give them maximum flexibility in terms of types and expiration times that can be set. Mobile Apps. Trading via your mobile has been made very easy as all major brokers provide fully developed mobile trading apps Most trading platforms have been designed with mobile device users in mind So the mobile version will be very similar, if not the same, as the full web version. Brokers will cater for both iOS and Android devices, and produce versions for each Downloads are quick, and traders can sign up via the mobile site as well Our reviews contain more detail about each brokers mobile app, but most are fully aware that this is a growing area of trading Traders want to react immediately to news events and market updates, so brokers provide the tools for clients to trade wherever they are. Trading FAQ. What Does Binary Options Mean. Binary options means, put very simply, a trade where the outcome is a binary Yes No answer These options pay a fixed amount if they win known as in the money , but the entire investment is lost, if the binary trade loses So, in short, they are a form of fixed return financial options. How Does a Stock Trade Work. Steps to trade a stock via a binary option. Select th e stock or equity. Identify the desired expiry time The time the option will end. Enter the size of the trade or investment. Decide if the value will rise or fall and place a put or call. The steps above will be the same at every single broker More layers of complexity can be added, but when trading equities the simple Up Down trade type remains the most popular. Put and Call Options. Call and Put are simply the terms given to buying or selling an option If a trader thinks the underlying price will go up in value, they can open a call But where they expect the price to go down, they can place a put trade. Different trading platforms label their trading buttons different, some even switch between Buy Sell and Call Put Others drop the phrases put and call altogether Almost every trading platform will make it absolutely clear which direction a trader is opening an option in. Are Binary Options a Scam. As a financial investment tool they in themselves not a scam, but there are brokers, trading robo ts and signal providers that are untrustworthy and dishonest. The point is not to write off the concept of binary options, based solely on a handful of dishonest brokers The image of these financial instruments has suffered as a result of these operators, but regulators are slowly starting to prosecute and fine the offenders and the industry is being cleaned up Our forum is a great place to raise awareness of any wrongdoing. These simple checks can help anyone avoid the scams. Marketing promising huge returns This is clear warning sign Binaries are a high risk high reward tool they are not a make money online scheme and should not be sold as such Operators making such claims are very likely to be untrustworthy. Know the broker Some operators will funnel new customer to a broker they partner with, so the person has no idea who their account is with A trader should know the broker they are going to trade with These funnels often fall into the get rich quick marketing discussed earlier. Cold C alls Professional brokers will not make cold calls they do not market themselves in that way Cold calls will often be from unregulated brokers interested only in getting an initial deposit Proceed extremely carefully if joining a company that got in contact this way This would include email contact as well any form of contact out of the blue. Terms and Conditions When taking a bonus or offer, read the full terms and conditions Some will include locking in an initial deposit in addition to the bonus funds until a high volume of trades have been made The first deposit is the trader s cash legitimate brokers would not claim it as theirs before any trading Some brokers also offer the option of cancelling a bonus if it does not fit the needs of the trader. Do not let anyone trade for you Avoid allowing any account manager to trade for you There is a clear conflict of interest, but these employees of the broker will encourage traders to make large deposits, and take greater risks Traders shoul d not let anyone trade on their behalf. Which Are The Best Trading Strategies. Binary trading strategies are unique to each trade We have a strategy section, and there are ideas that traders can experiment with Technical analysis is of use to some traders, combined with charts and price action research Money management is essential to ensure risk management is applied to all trading Different styles will suit different traders and strategies will also evolve and change. There is no single best strategy Traders need to ask questions of their investing aims and risk appetite and then learn what works for them. Are Binary Options Gambling. This will depend entirely on the habits of the trader With no strategy or research, then any investment is going to win or lose based only on luck Conversely, a trader making a well researched trade will ensure they have done all they can to avoid relying on good fortune. Binary options can be used to gamble, but they can also be used to make trades based on value and expected profits So the answer to the question will come down to the trader. Advantages of Binary Trading. The world is filled with a plethora of financial markets, and advances in technology has made it possible for each of these markets to be accessible to the average Joe who has an internet connection and a computer or mobile device. As such, there may be some confusion as to what financial market to participate in Forex has caught a lot of attention because the promises seen on the sales pages of forex brokers and vendors seem to point to it as a way of easy money However, because this market has some peculiarities which traders must be thoroughly at home with, many unprepared traders have seen themselves at the wrong end of the market. This is where binary options come to the rescue with its unique set of advantages over other forms of market trading. Minimal Financial Risk. If you have traded forex or its more volatile cousins, crude oil or spot metals such as gold or silver, you will have probably learnt one thing these markets carry a lot of risk and it is very easy to be blown off the market Too many parameters affect trade outcomes that traders have to battle with Things like leverage and margin, news events, slippages and price re-quotes, etc can all affect a trade negatively This is why trading the currency and commodities markets is a risky venture The situation is different in binary options trading There is no leverage to contend with, and phenomena such as slippage and price re-quotes have no effect on binary option trade outcomes This reduces the risk in binary option trading to the barest minimum Unlike what obtains in other markets, many brokers return a fraction of the amount used in purchasing contracts when the trade is a losing one. The binary options market allows traders to trade financial instruments spread across the currency and commodity markets as well as indices and bonds This flexibility is unparalleled, and gives traders with the knowledge of how to trade these markets, a one-stop shop to trade all these instruments. A binary trade outcome is based on just one parameter direction The trader is essentially betting on whether a financial asset will end up in a particular direction In addition, the trader is at liberty to determine when the trade ends, by setting an expiry date This gives a trade that initially started badly the opportunity to end well This is not the case with other markets For example, control of losses can only be achieved using a stop loss Otherwise, a trader has to endure a drawdown if a trade takes an adverse turn in order to give it room to turn profitable The simple point being made here is that in binary options, the trader has less to worry about than if he were to trade other markets. Greater Control of Trades. Traders have better control of trades in binaries For example, if a trader wants to buy a contract, he knows in advance, what he stands to gain and what he will lose if the trade is out-of-the-money This is not the case with other markets For example, when a trader sets a pending order in the forex market to trade a high-impact news event, there is no assurance that his trade will be filled at the entry price or that a losing trade will be closed out at the exit stop loss. Higher Payouts. The payouts per trade are usually higher in binaries than with other forms of trading Some brokers offer payouts of up to 80 on a trade This is achievable without jeopardising the account In other markets, such payouts can only occur if a trader disregards all rules of money management and exposes a large amount of trading capital to the market, hoping for one big payout which never occurs in most cases. In order to trade the highly volatile forex or commodities markets, a trader has to have a reasonable amount of money as trading capital For instance, trading gold, a commodity with an intra-day volatility of up to 10,000 pips in times of high volatility, requires trading capital i n tens of thousands of dollars This restricts the access of everyday people to such markets However, binary options has much lower entry requirements, as some brokers allow people to start trading with as low as 10.Disadvantages of Binary Trading. Reduced Trading Odds for Sure-Banker Trades. The payouts for binary options trades are drastically reduced when the odds for that trade succeeding are very high While it is true that some trades offer as much as 85 payouts per trade, such high payouts are possible only when a trade is made with the expiry date set at some distance away from the date of the trade Of course in such situations, the trades are more unpredictable. Lack of Good Trading Tools. Some brokers do not offer truly helpful trading tools such as charts and features for technical analysis to their clients Experienced traders can get around this by sourcing for these tools elsewhere inexperienced traders who are new to the market are not as fortunate This is changing for the bett er though, as operators mature and become aware of the need for these tools to attract traders. Limitations on Risk Management. Unlike in forex where traders can get accounts that allow them to trade mini - and micro-lots on small account sizes, many binary option brokers set a trading floor minimum amounts which a trader can trade in the market This makes it easier to lose too much capital when trading binaries As an illustration, a forex broker may allow you to open an account with 200 and trade micro-lots, which allows a trader to expose only acceptable amounts of his capital to the market However, you will be hard put finding many binary brokers that will allow you to trade below 50, even with a 200 account In this situation, four losing trades will blow the account. Cost of Losing Trades. Unlike in other markets where the risk reward ratio can be controlled and set to give an edge to winning trades, the odds of binary options tilt the risk-reward ratio in favour of losing trades In oth er words, traders lose more money when their trades end as losses than they can gain when their trades end up as profits It is estimated that for every 70 profit that end up in profits, the corresponding loss of the same trade if it ends in a loss is 85 The implication of this is that for a trader to break even, the winning percentage has to be at least 55 It will therefore take a trader winning 6 trades out of ten to get into profit, but only 4 trades out of ten to end up in the red. Trade Corrections. When trading a market like the forex or commodities market, it is possible to close a trade with minimal losses and open another profitable one, if a repeat analysis of the trade reveals the first trade to have been a mistake This scenario cannot be replicated in binary options the moment a trader has placed a trade, the value of his equity in the trade drops to reflect the trade commissions taken off by the broker The payout on the reverse trade is fixed and cannot be used to cover the l oss from the wrong trade. Spot Forex vs Binary Trading. These are two different alternatives, traded with two different psychologies, but both can make sense as investment tools One is more TIME centric and the other is more PRICE centric They both work in time price but the focus you will find from one to the other is an interesting split Spot forex traders might overlook time as a factor in their trading which is a very very big mistake The successful binary trader has a more balanced view of time price, which simply makes him a more well rounded trader Binaries by their nature force one to exit a position within a given time frame win or lose which instills a greater focus on discipline and risk management In forex trading this lack of discipline is the 1 cause for failure to most traders as they will simply hold losing positions for longer periods of time and cut winning positions in shorter periods of time In binary options that is not possible as time expires your trade ends win or lose Below are some examples of how this works. Above is a trade made on the EUR USD buying in an under 10 minute window of price and time As a binary trader this focus will naturally make you better than the below example, where a spot forex trader who focuses on price while ignoring the time element ends up in trouble This psychology of being able to focus on limits and the dual axis will aid you in becoming a better trader overall. The very advantage of spot trading is its very same failure the expansion of profits exponentially from 1 point in price This is to say that if you enter a position that you believe will increase in value and the price does not increase yet accelerates to the downside, the normal tendency for most spot traders is to wait it out or worse add to the losing positions as they figure it will come back The acceleration in time to the opposite desired direction causes most spot traders to be trapped in unfavourable positions, all because they do not plan time int o their reasoning, and this leads to a complete lack of trading discipline. The nature of binary options force one to have a more complete mindset of trading off both Y Price Range and X Time Range as limits are applied They will simply make you a better overall trader from the start Conversely on the flip side, they by their nature require a greater win rate as each bet means a 70-90 gain vs a 100 loss So your win rate needs to be on average 54 -58 to break even This imbalance causes many traders to overtrade or revenge trade which is just as bad as holding adding to losing positions as a spot forex trader To successfully trade you need to practice money management and emotional control. In conclusion, when starting out as a trader, binaries might offer a better foundation to learn trading The simple reasoning is that the focus on TIME PRICE combined is like looking both ways when crossing the street The average spot forex trader only looks at price, which means he is only looking in on e direction before crossing the street Learning to trade taking both time and price into consideration should aid in making one a much overall trader. References and Further Reading. IQ Option Visit.24Option Visit. EZTrader Visit. Marketsworld Visit.

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